Friday, February 27, 2015

Update and Caturday Art with Athena

Hi Pals,

Sorry I've been missing for so long and not updating or reading blogs.   M's back has been very bad the past several weeks and sitting in her office chair really does it in.      We hope better days are ahead, and we'll get back on track again.

We played around with the "effects" in  It's very easy to use, but only has simple enhancement features.   M used to use that program when I first started in Twitter, some 6 years ago.   It has changed a lot since then.    
The second photo is the same original - just reversed.   It appears sharper too, and we're not sure why.    She says she might have gotten pictures confused this time - her brain is old and foggy these days.   A black frame was added to each one to finish it off.   Photobucket is free and it is simple, but does not have the "fun enhancements" that some of the other free programs.

Have some fun, create your own art, and join in the blog hop.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

How To Survive Subzero Temps Mario Style

Hi Pals,

Brrrrr!  It's been cold around here lately.  M says our wind chill temps at night have been going down to -35 and daytime temps are sometimes hovering around 0.    M is always playing with the thermostat by turning it up or down.   But, we M says we can't complain because many of my pals live where it's been colder and more snow.    

Why don't humans make a hidey hole like I have.   I stay toasty warm in there and don't appreciate my humans peeking in at me like M just did.   It is toasty warm in here and if the peeps leave the flap closed, it's also dark!    

Take my advice pals, make yourself a hidey hole and sleep the winter away. You will love it.   I only come out for my meals and to cuddle with M in bed at night, or enjoy a lap sitting with D.  Oh, sometimes I make an attempt at playing just to please M.  Well, time to crawl into the hidey hole again.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

M and D's 56th Anniv and Caturday Art

Happy Valentines Day everyone,

Happy 56th Anniversary M and D.

What a special day.   I'm so happy my peeps got married eons ago cuz I probably would not have been adopted and we wouldn't live in my house.   M says it was all meant to be and she wouldn't change a thing.

It's also Caturday Art day with AthenaTheCatGoddess.   Join us and have some fun - meet new pals - learn new things.   Dat picture above was done in 3 different programs and took M all of about 1 hour.   First she used Play With Pictures to cut out my picture and paste it on a white background.   Then she put that into PhotoShop to do the writing and make the border and paint a background color   Then she put the whole thing into Pizap and used a filter to get the effect she wanted.    It's nothing special tho and she really isn't that happy with it but she couldn't sit at the puter any longer.

Mario SMOOCHES to all the ladycats out there. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rescue Me Please - Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Last Saturday my sisfur and SIL dropped off these monsters cute little gerbils along with some food.  They then took off for vacation for one whole week. YIKES!  To make matters worse M and D put the tank on the coffee table right in front of the sofa.  hissssssssssss

M keeps asking me why I don't like those cute little fellows.   About 5 years ago Sisfur and SIL brought another set of gerbils for us to take care of for a week and I couldn't stay away from them.   But that time they put the tank on the kitchen table - NOT in my room for napping in my hidey hole.   HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO ME?

This is what I think of these visitors:

Today (Wednesday) was the first day I have even bothered to go into the living room and certainly my first time to get in my hidey hole.  Notice my rump is in their direction so I don't have to see them.   At least they were quiet while I napped.

HELP - I need rescuing.

I will be very very thankful when Sisfur and SIL come on Saturday and take these little fellows home.  Three whole days to wait!

Once again we are joining @PepiSmartDog's blog hop, and we are thankful to Michele  for hosting this every week.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Not Fair!

Hi Pals,

Some of you probably have not met my good pal Koko.   He came to live with me about 2 years ago after being rescued by my good buddy @Kolo_Martin, Kolo's Blog, who lives on Baboon Island (on the sunshine coast of England).   Kolo and his human rescue Baboons and have rehomed them all over the world. I was so lucky to get Koko.   But if Koko has to stay on this stupid diet that I'm on, he may run away from home.    He's not being treated fairly at all.

Message from me - Koko:    Hi pals, it's nice to meet all of you.   Mario buddy, I love you lots and your humans too so I'm not  going to run away.   M and I have an agreement that anytime I need something more to  eat, I can go into the refrig and get anything I want.   I'm just not supposed to let you see it cuz then you will beg until you get some.  You have already lost 1.2 pounds and need to keep going just a bit longer.

In reality, I seldom need more to eat after M has given me my portion.  I needed to lose a couple of pounds too pal.   If we played ball more, or chase, or some other fun game, then we wouldn't need to lose weight.

By the way Mario, thanks for letting me say a few words in your blog.   Now come on and let's play - you name the game.   (Now where did that boy go?)

Message From Mario:   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz