Sunday, July 26, 2015

Good News - Vet Visit Was Worthwhile & Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

I forgot to tell you what I weighed last week when I went to the vet.  I weighed in at 12.1 pounds.   Pals, I have dropped from the starting weight of 19 pounds.   See how good I look:

The vet would like me to be 11.75 so I don't have much to lose yet.    M is not sure if she wants me that low - she wants a little meat on my bones in case I get sick.    But, if  I can consistently hold at 11.9 or 12, M will be happy.   But I guess I'll have to be weighed frequently - bummer.   We use a  baby scale here at home, and I'm pretty good about sitting in it - as long as I get a treat after.  he he

I'm joining Selfie Sunday blog hop again this week.   Check out  all the neat blogs that are part of this large blog hop.   Join the fun.  

Once again we apologize for going missing so much. M now has rotater cuff problems and typing at her desk isn't working very well - and her back doesn't like it either.  She had bought an IPad a few months ago with the thought of being able to lay in bed different times of the day and still get work done.  Well, that hasn't been good for the rotater cuff problem and makes it worse.   So she says she can only do what she can do and no more.  Sigh!   I guess half a typist is better than no typist - right?

We suggest following my blog via email - then you will know when I have posted something.   Sorry we are not very dependable.

Love you all,


Sunday, July 12, 2015

What a week and Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Guess you can tell by the picture I got hauled off to the vet again.  M says my look says it all.   I not happy.

I was frowing up for about 2 days and M decided I must have a hairball stuck somewhere, so on Thursday M & D stuffed me into the PTU, shoved me in the car, and off we went to the vet.  M and  D do give me hairball stuff to take, but it was not doing the job this time because M does not give me enough of it.

Pals, it was horrible this time cuz the man vet poked me with a needle and stole my blood, then he poked me with another needle full of stuff to calm my tummy.  It was pawful.  (Now Mario - It wasn't that bad.  They are so good with you there and gentle - it wasn't that bad - you didn't even sing the song of your people.  Remember, the vet even said "Mario is such laid-back kitty - he is a pleasure to have come in.")

The vet also told M to  wait 5 hours after I have frown up before she should feed me again.   She was feeding me about 1 hour after frowning up.  Now no matter how much I plead with her, she should not give in.  

My selfie this week is me looking up  at M pleading for food cuz I'm starving.   Don't you feel sorry for me?

I'm joining TheCatOnMyHead's Blog Hop today.   We will try to get around to all of you.   Thanks to TheCatOnMyHead kitties for hosting this blog hop every Sunday. 

My tummy did clear up and I'm back to normal again.   I sure hope I don't have to go back again.  (But Mario - they like you there.  You know everyone makes a big fuss over you, talks to you, and loves seeing you.)  If you are new to our area and need a good vet clinic, I highly recommend the The Animal Hospital of Ashwaubenon  M said all of her kitties for the 40+ years they have lived here have been taken there, and we have never been unhappy. 

By the way, my tummy cleared up and I stopped frowing up.



Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Independence Day USA and Selfie Sunday Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

We hope you had a good 4th of July Celebration wherever you were.   Ours was rather quiet, at least in our house.   The neighborhood was far from quiet - boomers going off for about 2 hours.   Geeeesh!   How can the humans stand all that noise?   I ran for cover in the basement.   The peeps were down in the family room anyway watching TV, so I cuddled in a corner.  I won't even sit on a lap when I hear them - just want to be alone.

Today we are joining A Cat On My Head's Blog Hop for a Sunday selfie.   I asked M to make mine look like the holiday we were celebrating, so she found some boomers to put there.   Fortunately, they are the silent kind, so I don't mind them being there.  he he