Sunday, August 23, 2015

Selfie Sunday Blog Hop - Profile ?

Hi pals,

Welcome to my Sunday selfie.  he he   What can I say - project was a "Fail" this week.    M snapped several pictures and not one of them is decent.  Oh well, at least they aren't as bad as the one of me with Bunny Ears - remember that one.
Hmmm, this one makes me look like an old man cat with grey hair!  YIKES

Regardless of the outcome, we're continuing on with The Cat On My Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.   We all need a good laugh now and then, so this is the now!    Maybe next week will be better.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thankful Thursday - New Hidey Hole

Hi Pals,
You all know how I LOVE my hidey hole under the throw on the sofa in the living room - right?    Well, as you can see from above, I have a new one now.   It's not quite as nice as the one in the living room, but this one is located downstairs in our family room where I can really hide out.

Sorry I've been missing again - same ole story.  M's back and also rotator cuff in shoulder are continually hurting.  She says all the humidity is rough on her too. So doing a lot of typing at her desk is too painful.   We'll do what we can to visit, when we can.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I'm joining @PepiSmartDog's Thankful Thursday blog hop again this week. Go check out their blog - there is something very unique in it today.    Our thanks to Michele (Pepi's mom) for hosting the blog hop again this week.  

Stay cool pals.


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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Caturday Art Blog Hop with Athena The Cat Goddess

Hi Pals,

I'm joining the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by Athena The CatGoddess.   Our thanks to Athena and her mom for hosting this every week.

The above picture was used once before as it's one of M's favorites.  But this time we put it in Photoshop  Elements 10 and clicked on a filter called Scalaped Edge.   That gave it the frame like appearance around the edges.   It was all real simple.    We tried out  several other filters, but decided to leave the picture like it was.   

I hope we can manage to do the link right this time.   We have never accomplished linking up before this and always had to ask Athena's mom to help us out.   I hope it works now.   Keep your paws crossed.