Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween Caturday Blog Hop with Athena Cat Goddess


Hi Pals,

I am joining Athena The Cat Goddess' Caturday Art Blog Hop this week.  

The creation above was done in Pizap with a halloween overlay.   The photo is one I have used before.   They really have some nice overlays and/or borders for our use.  And, it's free.  Just take a little time to play around.   This creation took M all of about 10 minutes from start to finish.  That was enough sitting for her at the time.  I wish she could take a little more time to experiment with some of the other free programs out there, but I have to be thankful for what she does manage to get done.

Our Thanks to Athena and her human for sponsoring this blog hop again.  Go on over and check out all the neat pieces of art work - they are all really cool. 

Happy Halloween pals - don't let all the ghosts and goblins scare you today/tonight.   I personally will supervise M & D passing out candy from about 7 feet away so I can run and hide if I get skeered!  
Until next time,

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Another Sad Day On Twitter - Louise Hobson

Louise Hobson 10/25/15
Human of @Petiethecat on Twitter
Petiethecat  OTRB 5-25-2012


Hearts are breaking on Twitter and Facebook today as we lost another human of a dear kitty pal.   After bravely fighting Cancer for 3+ years, Louise Hobson left her family behind to cross the human Rainbow bridge to join her beloved @PetietheCat.   We extend our deepest sympathy to her husband, Ken, and family.    

Louise and Petiethecat were dearly loved on Twitter by all who knew them.   We had lots of fun times together on line.   M so wishes she would have had a chance to meet Louise as she was a very interesting lady.  Even tho we never met in person, Louise was a special Twitter friend.  She will be greatly missed by all who knew her on Twitter.

Sleep well Louise!  M said someday maybe we will still meet across the Rainbow Bridge.


Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Tocks of October Selfie - Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

I figured it was time I posted a picture of my tocks before October runs out.   So there they are for the whole world to see!   M was looking for a better picture, but she didn't find one.   Guess we haven't done a good job of taking the tocks' picture!  he he

I'm joining The Cat On My Head's Selfie Blog Hop.   Our thanks to the crew over there for their continually hosting the blog hop.  Be sure to check it out as they have a creepy guest host this week.

We're into snuggle weather here as the temp goes below freezing nightly.  That means I'll have my tocks plastered up as close to M as I can get them tonight to keep warm.

Hope you all are staying warm too.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Happy 10th Birthday To Mario - Thanksful Thursday Blog Hop

Happy 10th
Hi Pals,

Today is my 10th birthday (or at least we celebrate it today as it is my Gotcha Day too).   

Help yourself to food and drinks, sit and relax, and enjoy.

Tini's in any flavor


Hanks Bacon Beer

hors d'ouvres

Puppy Chow

More hors d'ouvres


Birthday Cake

Thanks for coming pals.  Hope you had a good time.    I'm so happy you came to help me celebrate my 10 birthday/gotcha day.   Love you all.


P.S.  We're joining @PepiSmartDog's Thankful Thursday blog hop.  Thanks to Michele for hosting again.  Go over and check out her blog from Wednesday - there is a special surprise in her backyard again.   WOW - I'd love living with her backyard as my backyard!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

My Prezzie For M - CRAZY Cat Lady Box #catladybox

Let's see if I can open it for her!  hmmmm

Hi Pals,

I surprised M last week by ordering a Crazy Cat Lady Box for her - full of goodies, and even a surprise for me.   Shh, don't tell her that I stole her credit card tho to do it cuz I don't have any $$ of my own.

There is a bunch of neat stuff in here.

Hmmm, wonder what that is?

You can order so that you will get a box each month (diffferent special items inside), or maybe like M, just get one box.    
Now what is in the bottom?

There were even a couple of special toys just for me!

To order a box for your human, contact Dorian Wagner on Face Book at

Or their the website:

Or via email at:

What a great Christmas gift this would be for your human.


P.S. - a portion of the proceeds each month goes to an animal charity.