Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rats - They're back! Sunday Selfie

Tucker (isn't he cute?)
Tanner Just coming out from behind the blinds.  He's a cutie too.
Hissss, Guess there is no way out of this as they are here.

Hi Pals,

Have you ever had that feeling that something unpleasant was about to happen?   Well, that's how I had been feeling last week.   I finally found out Friday night when they showed up on our doorstep once again.  Yup - it's my cousins - Tucker and Tanner.  And the gerbils are here, but they are fun to watch.  

Two gerbils  were sleeping when the picture was taken, but you  can see one eating something in the center of this picture.
HELP me pals - what am I going to do?    Tanner and Tucker will be playing with MY toys, maybe using MY litter box (even tho they have their own), eating MY food (M says I eat their food - so we're even), I EVEN have to share LAP TIME!  Sigh!   What am I going to do?

M said they could even participate in my blog with a selfie today!   That's the absolute last straw!  They Friday  night so they have been here over 24 hours already.   I must say, it hasn't been too bad - yet. But, they haven't been here that long either.

I'm joining the Selfie Blog Hop run by
Thanks to Astid for hosting.

Join us and help me keep these two cousins in line or they'll be taking over all of Blogville!


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Tap, Tap, Tap and Caturday Art Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

How do you wake up your humans?    This morning I woke M up by doing three gentle taps on her shoulder.   That's all it took - very soft, gentle taps.    She says she was partially awake anyway because I had started to hork and she grabbed paper towel to put under me.   I never did hork, but she says she was partially awake by that point.   Sometimes I give her whisker tickles on the face, but usually it's 3 gentle, soft taps on her shoulder.

For my art piece, M found a picture in archives and put it in Photoshop Elements.  Then she just started fiddling around with diffcerent effects until she began to like what she saw.   

Our special thanks to Athena at for doing the blog hop again this week.  Check out her art - it's gorgeous.   Get your human to fiddle around in one or more of the many free sites on the internet.  It's really fun and you never know how it will turn out until you try.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pet Dental Health Month - Stomatitis

Hi Pals,

Do you notice anything different in that picture above.   Something is missing! Do you know what it is?

If you said "teeth," you are absolutely right.   I had all my toothies pulled due to a disease called Stomatitis.    For a good description of this disease you can see detailed pictures, etc. at, which is the site of my dentist.   It is is a nasty disease, and if left untreated, can lead to major health problems.   Our vet lady suggested M get a second opinion from an animal dentist, which we did.   It's a long story and you can read the detailed story at    The dentist recommended pulling my toothies because in a sense I was allergic to my own toothie decay.   This was drastic at the time, but it ended up being the right decision as I'm a very healthy 10-year-old mancat now.

It's important to have a vet check your mouth at the first sign of trouble.   With me it was red, infected gums.   Several rounds of antibiotics didn't touch the problem.  That's when our lady vet suggested we see an animal dentist.

February is Pet Dental Health Month!   If you have never had your toothies checked, it's a good idea to have a vet take a look at them.   In my case, the dentist felt bad gum disease was probably something I inherited from my parents.    M and D would never have noticed anything, but our lady vet checked me over the day I was adopted and indicated I needed to get my toothies cleaned.   That was the beginning of the long process.

I am so thankful that M and D took me to the vet lady that first day, and that she noticed how bad my mouth looked.    M and D are thankful too because if left untreated, the disease might have killed me.

M heard recently that they have other non-drastic means of treating the disease, and we're hoping that is the case.   By the way, I'm doing just fine without my toothies.   M buys kibble that is smaller in size and mushes my wet food and makes it into a mound so that I can eat easier.   I'm doing great.

So take my advice and have your toothies checked out.

We're joining PepiSmartDog's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.  Join us and meet new pals.  

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sweet Sarah Day

Today is a special day - SWEET SARAH DAY.   I have not met Sarah, but I hear she is a really kind, special human who currently has some health problems.   We feel very sad about that.  We know she is dearly loved by everyone in the Cat Blogosphere.

I'm going to purr for her, and M said she would keep Sarah in her thoughts and prayers.  We hope she gets better real soon.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

They Came Back Again!

Tucker to Mario - "Please play with me.?
Mario to Tucker - " Not just yet."

Hi Pals,

They just keep coming back!  Sigh!  What am I to do?   M will attest to the fact that I didn't growl so much this last weekend.   Just a couple of times.

You can see in the above picture that Tucker is asking me to play, but I just didn't quite trust him yet.  This was taken Friday night about an hour  after they had arrived at our house.   They stayed until Sunday afternoon.

I also didn't stalk Tanner so much.  I don't know why I like to growl at him -  maybe because he's the youngest and smallest.

All things considered, I might not mind having them live with us for 2 weeks while sisfur and sil are on vacation.    One thing for sure - they sure do bring along good food!!   I kept helping myself to their kibble when it was sitting on the  floor and I sure did like it.   I liked it so much that I wouldn't eat my old kibble when they left.   M went out to the store today and bought a bag just like they have.  M said she'll feed that to me until after they have spent the two weeks with us.   Then I may have to go back on diet food cuz I'm starting to "floof" up a bit!

We're getting a snow storm tomorrow - something about maybe a blizzard.  I don't know what a blizzard is, but M says we won't go out in it cuz it could  blow us  all away to the East Coast (wherever that is).

Hope you don't get the blizzard too - so stay safe.
