Friday, February 24, 2017

Caturday Artwork Blog Hop With Athena

Tattoo art in LunaPic

Hi Pals,

I cheated a little this week on the artwork for Athena's Caturday  Art Blog Hop.   We just came back from visiting over there and loved her tattoo sketch that she did on LunaPic.   So we went over there too and you see what we came up with.   Pretty cool - right? Athena's turned out great and we're pleased with mine too.   I think I could have chosen a better frame, but next time we'll pay more attention to that detail.

I was going to submit this same picture, which we worked on in Photoshop Elements 10 which is on our computer.
That's not bad either, but we like the Tattoo version better because it has color and brings out the details better I think.

Thanks for visiting.  Now hop on the blog hop and wee all the great art work.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

New Kit On The Block

Hi Pals,

Everyone please give a warm welcome to our new kit on the blogging block - Teddy K of TwoSpoiledCats. Isn't he just the cutest?   M is going ape on me here beccause she just loves orange furbabies and that is what Teddy is.   Anyway welcome to the Cat Blogosphere!    I'm your uncle Mario!  

I'm so happy that Angel Sammy sent you to live over at TwoSpoiledCat'sHouse because they miss Sammy so very much after he crossed that Rainbow Bridge.     You will help ease their pain by doing cute things to make them laugh.   In fact, I would make that your top priority job every day.  Now listen to your Uncle Mairo pal cuz that is a very important job -- make therm laugh every day as often as you can.

In case you don't have any ideas yet on what to do, here's just a couple  that always worked for me:

1.   Lay on the floor as if to go to sleep.   Then bounce up as fast as you can and run around the room as fast as your little legs can carry you.   You might throw a couple of hops in there too while running around.

2.  Another thing that is good is doing summersaults while running around the room.   The humans will go nuts over that one.

That gives you a couple of ideas to get started on.  I'm sure our other pals will give you advice too.   We're just happy you are here.

I'm joining two blog hops today.   One is the welcome for Teddy over at Maddi and Dpry's Blog Hop and the other is TheCatOnMyHead's Selfie Sunday

Hop on board and have some fun with us.