Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Pancreatitis WHAT!!!!


Hi Pals,

Yes, that's me at my favorite place again - the VET's.   Only this time they stuffed me in my carrier and I had to ride for 45 minutes to Appleton to see a different specialist kind of vet.   I was sent there instead of somewhere in our own city because they have an super sensitive ultra sound machine.   

Gasp!  There they shaved my belly and a little up on each side.  Of all the NERVE!

If you look closely to my hind feet, you can see very short black fur. Unfortunately, it doesn't show up very well.   It doesn't really bother me, but I think it bothers M and Dl

They told my peeps that I was an extra good boy and they didn't even have to sedate me at all.   I did flinch slighty tho when they touched the area where the pancreas is located, but I didn't put up a fight or anything.  

The vet put me on a yukky medicine that I'm supposed to take if I'm in pain.   M says it's hard to tell when a kitty is hurting.  But I guess her first clue should be if I start hiding in the closet and it's not raining or thundering.    If they can't catch me to give that med, I have something that can be rubbed on my ear - I don't mind that one.   But apparently it doesn't work quite as well as the other one.   M said she will use the icky med only when she knows for sure I'm hurting.  Otherwise, she'll put it on my ear if she thinks I might be in pain but isn't sure.

There is no cure for what I have, and the vet said I could have flareups (whatever that means.)   So if that happens, we have medicine on hand and can easily get more.

It has not affected my appetite, although I have very discerning taste as to what I like and don't like.   Just keep the good food coming and I'll be happy.

Me and my peeps are very thankful it isn't something worse.   But purrs and prayers now and then would still be appreciated.    We don't want it to get any worse. 

We're joining Brian's Home Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   Hop on board with us and have a little fun.   

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day M

Hi Pals,

Happy Mother's Day to the mom's of my pals.  Each one of you is special.   We furbabies love and appreciate you even tho we don't ever say anything.   The most you will ever get from us in the way of a thank you is a wag of the tail,  looked at with adoring eyes, we'll curl up on your lap for a nap, maybe a kiss if we are so inclined.   

I really appreciate M, but I've never told her so.  It's the little things that I do that tell her - when i give her a kiss (nose bitey), hop in her lap for no reason at all, cuddle up to her at night in bed when i'm cold,    She says I'm the most affectionate kitty she's ever had, tho the other 3 came close.   I think I'm just appreciative that I'm not living on the streets anymore and get 3 square meals a day plus extras. M plays a mean game of Neko Fly with me......Life is good.

How about you pals, do you love and appreiate your mom?  What do you do to show it?

I'm joining A Cat On My Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop - please join us.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Sisfur Saves The Day

Hi Pals:

Remember my blog post of that crappy toy that M and D could not put together that came from China.   Well, Sunday sisfur and SIL came to see us.  While SIL was doing some work on D's puter and a few other things for M, M showed Sisfur the toy they could not assemble and said maybe SIL could take it home and try sometime.  If he could get it to work, they could have it for their two kitties - my cousins.

Sisfur fiddled around with it for just a minute or so and asked M for a AAA battery, which sisfur installed.   PRESTO!  Sisfur got it to work

WHOA - this is pretty cool.  it's whirling around.

Does not taste very good tho.  

M was very impressed and said "I knew it would pay to send you to college."  he he - it's a family joke that M tells her whenever she's smarter than M (which is quite often).

Thanks to sisfur for fixing this for me.  And thanks to SIL for fixing a couple of things for M and for fixing D's computer.

We always love it when they come and the peeps are so thankful for the things they do for them.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Wayward Tail Mystery

Hi Pals,

Yesterday I hopped up here by the sink to ask M for a drink.   She promptly (for a change) ran fresh water in the sink for me.   Then she "caught" me flipping me tail into the water.   I was ever so quick, hoping she would not witness what had happened.  

If you look real close, you can maybe make out that the very tip is a little damp!   he he - I didn't let it stay in the water long enough to really soak it (I'm not that dumb).   M ran and got the camera, but by that time I was through flicking my tail in the water. 

That tail just gets wayward on me now and then and does it's own thing.   Does your's do that?

I'm very thankful that it didn't get too wet, so I'm joining Brian's Tankful Thursday Blog Hop once again.   Hop on board with us and have some fun.

Our big thanks to Brian for hosting the hop once again.   Last week M messed up on the link stuff.  Hopefully she'll get it right this time.  (Good help is impossible to get these days.)
