Just a short post today friends cuz we heard from Sinbad's Mom & wanted to share her info. (ok - I no, I promised the story of Ladycat3, but will do dat for sure next week - you know how I gets side tracked!!)
Following is quoted from her email - and look - she even sent 2 pictures.
"I miss Sinbad so much that if I think of him I will cry.
Please tell @ForeverGinger and everyone for me that I have much difficulty getting online. I am told I will not have internet at my location or even phone service unless I go out of the area. I wanted to drop you a few lines and tell you the most exciting things so far.
I've already seen the talk of this park - a mama bear with 4 cubs. To have 4 is almost unheard of. I've also seen a white wolf, grey wolf and black wolf today. The wolves were reintroduced into the park in 1995 and now there are several hundred. Tomorrow I go on a wake-up to nature tour as part of training at 6:15 am and also a horseback ride. Hope I see more bears and cubs. Saw bears yesterday and today. The cubs are little bundles of fur and frisky and watching them, when fortunate to see them, is an amazing moment.
The wolves and bears I don't have pics of because you can only see them with scopes. Love it here!
Love Deb missing Sinbad"
Boy - dat big thingy M calls a buffalo is sure big. I don't think I want to get in his way! he he - I'd be a flattened Mario!
This is Mario signing off. We'll be back next week with the "Rise and Fall of Ladycat3."
Bye for now.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Angels in Disguise
Sinbad in Paris
Hi Friends,My peeps are leaving me for 4 days. Yup! I has to stay home alone with a pet sitter coming in 2 times a day to give me some attention. Sigh! But, I told M we had to do a thank you to all the kind and generous anipals/oomans that donated to @CatNamedSinbad’s fund, and I wanted to do dat before they leave on their mini vacation -without me! (Want to make dem feel guilty)
Picture of me that Sinbad
sent this past Christmas

"You, Mario and all of the donors are Angels for showing the willingness to help Sinbad and I. I cannot tell you how relieved I am to go forward, knowing Sinbad’s health has been evaluated and treated. My friend loves Sinbad, and I know she will give him attention.”
Then two days before she was to leave, she wrote “Sinbad is wondering where my bed is and why we are sleeping on the floor atop some blankets. I gave him about 100 kisses a few minutes ago. I miss him already knowing I only have tonight and Monday night with him." (M and I have leaky eyes just thinking about their farewell, but do hope someday they will be together again.)
Sinbad sent me this pic at Easter. I not sure, but I think it might be his picture.
M and I cannot find enough right words to express our gratitude to you (all the donors) in coming forward to help Sinbad and his mama. The generosity of our Twitter and blog anipal friends is overwhelming. I know Sinbad’s mama will be forever grateful to all of you for helping them. A HUGE thank you to -ALL OF YOU - the donor Angels:
Sinbad wanted these 2 pics tweeted
saying "I miss everyone. We must
share some good times again."
D (last name being withheld)@Lilypup
D (last name being withheld)
Jill (last name being withheld
W (last name being withheld)
M (last name being withheld
K (last name being withheld)
(No response was ever received from a few when we asked them if we could publish a Twitter name. To protect their privacy, we listed their first initial so that they can identify themselves if reading this post.)
We also want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to our friend @ForeverGinger and her mama who handled the finances. M is especially deeply grateful to Ginger as we don’t know how to set funds up. Thank you Ginger for your dedication and willingness to manage that fund and for also corresponding with Sinbad’s mama. You and your mama are Angels too..
Bye for now. Stay tuned for the next post which will be the story of @Ladycat3.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Mail Call
Hi Friends. We're getting side tracked again, but I just had to share this cuz the mail person brought a package to our house marked to Mariodacat.
He he - dat's me. M set it on the floor, but by the time she got the camera ready, I had already turned away. Anyway, it's always exciting to get mail. Plus, I had gotten a new ID tag (you can see dat red dingle-dangle thingy hanging round my neck) dat was driving me NUTS. Dad had just put it on my collar just dat day. I got side tracked again.
Hmmm, dis looks pretty interesting in here. I'd better get a closer look.
Oooo - look at all the neat stuff. it's from my friend @Boriskitty. I had won a prize donated by him at a pawpawty recently - a gift certificate to http://www.cattoys.com/ (which we haven't spent yet. Anyway, these new toys were a gift from @BorisKitty dat he picked out specially for me, not part of the gift certificate.

Toys - dey look like fun. They are all "Fat Cat" toys with organic catnip. Now what can get better den dat.
It is fun!
Pretty soon I was batting dis toy all around, den M picked it up and tossed it far away for me to chase. Weeee. Since there were 5 in the box, she tucked some of dem away to save for another day. (Gotta find dat hiding place).
Thank you Boris for all this neat stuff and the gift certificate to http://www.cattoys.com/ . You are a very, kind, generous friend. Big HUG (manly of course) for you.
Now I'd better get M to open up the web site so we can shop for more.
Stay tuned for the next post which will be a thank you to all the anipals/oomans dat donated to @CatNamedSinbad's fund. By then, we should have an update from his mama on her move and maybe hear how Sinbad is adjusting to his new home.
After dat post, we'll get to the Ladycat3 story, which so many of you have been waiting to hear. Until next time, this is Mario signing off.
He he - dat's me. M set it on the floor, but by the time she got the camera ready, I had already turned away. Anyway, it's always exciting to get mail. Plus, I had gotten a new ID tag (you can see dat red dingle-dangle thingy hanging round my neck) dat was driving me NUTS. Dad had just put it on my collar just dat day. I got side tracked again.
Hmmm, dis looks pretty interesting in here. I'd better get a closer look.
Oooo - look at all the neat stuff. it's from my friend @Boriskitty. I had won a prize donated by him at a pawpawty recently - a gift certificate to http://www.cattoys.com/ (which we haven't spent yet. Anyway, these new toys were a gift from @BorisKitty dat he picked out specially for me, not part of the gift certificate.
Toys - dey look like fun. They are all "Fat Cat" toys with organic catnip. Now what can get better den dat.
It is fun!
Pretty soon I was batting dis toy all around, den M picked it up and tossed it far away for me to chase. Weeee. Since there were 5 in the box, she tucked some of dem away to save for another day. (Gotta find dat hiding place).
Thank you Boris for all this neat stuff and the gift certificate to http://www.cattoys.com/ . You are a very, kind, generous friend. Big HUG (manly of course) for you.
Now I'd better get M to open up the web site so we can shop for more.
Stay tuned for the next post which will be a thank you to all the anipals/oomans dat donated to @CatNamedSinbad's fund. By then, we should have an update from his mama on her move and maybe hear how Sinbad is adjusting to his new home.
After dat post, we'll get to the Ladycat3 story, which so many of you have been waiting to hear. Until next time, this is Mario signing off.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Update On @CatNamedSinbad
Dear Friends:
I'm just so excited friends cuz Sinbad got some pretty good news this week. Dat's my friend Sinbad in the picture. He went to the vet on Wednesday (5/5). His poor mom said she was a nervous wreck not knowing what to expect this time and also worrying about what the lab tests might show, how miserable Sinbad might be, and what the vet would be like. You see, she had visited a different vet a few days earlier and had bad vibes, so cancelled that appointment and had to find another vet. Well, she was very pleased with the new vet and said even Sinbad didn't seem as scared as he usually gets when going for an appointment.
It's so cute, cuz his mama said she sang to him in the car all the while driving to and from to try to keep him calm (and herself too probably). It reminded me of M and me when I go to the vet, only M talks to me while in the car.
Sinbad's lab tests were all good except for a "slight" elevation on the one measuring kidney function (whatever all that means). The vet said, considering Sinbad is 10 years old, the slight elevation isn't too much to worry about now. He just wants to check it again in 6 months.
Sinbad had his toothies cleaned too. Guess what - Dat vet didn't steal any of Sinbad's teeth. Sinbad's mom said she was so happy she stayed away from the first vet because Sinbad did not need to have a tooth extracted, which is what the first vet wanted to do. (Boy, wish I had gone to see dat second vet - maybe I'd still have teeth.) So, we're very happy Sinbad had better news at the vet than was expected.
@ForeverGinger contacted the vet later that day and paid the bill - so that's all cleaned up too. Tomorrow (Saturday) Ginger will close out the fund and mail a check to Sinbad's mama for the remainder of the monies collected. I believe Sinbad's mom starts her new job on Monday, May 17th, but I'm not positive if that's the date she starts work or is leaving for the National Park that day. I will change this if I find out it's incorrect.
Sinbad's mom emailed M dat night after they got home. Sinbad was already knocking a ball down the stairs as she was writing, and seemed his normal self. She was most happy with how the visit went and the outcome. The following is a quote from her email message to M:
"I am beyond gratitude for how this fund raiser has given me last minute peace of mind both forSinbad's thorough care, and any remainder to help me since I am winging this entire departure on faith, and must pay for some medication for myself that the pharmacist says I need to stay with for my own condition."
"I want so much to be sure everyone knows how much their love, care, and generosity means to me and Sinbad. "
I know all of you join me and M in sending good wishes to Sinbad's mom as she makes her move and begins a new job. We all feel bad that she has to be seperated from Sinbad, but M & I feel she has made the best decision she possibly could under the extreme circumstances. and some of you have indicated the same with your comments. We want the best for the both of them. Maybe one day they will be reunited. In the meantime I knowSinbad's mom has indicated she plans to stay in close contact with Sinbad's new mama to make sure things are going well.
Please feel free to leave a comment for Sinbad & his mom if you wish. Sinbad's mom has my blog address and does check it when she can. If she isn't able to see the comments before she leaves, she will once she is established at Yellowstone National Park where she will be working.
To my Buddy Sinbad: We will greatly miss you buddy. I don't like saying goodbye because it seems so final. Instead we'll look forward to seeing you again one day pal or talking with you on Twitter. We love you and your special mama. Maybe you could send messages telepathically to your mama and she can relay them to us now and then since she'll be talking to your new mama.
Stay tuned for my next post sometime next week. We want to thank everyone involved, especially the donors, and will also post any updates we happen to received from Sinbad's mom.
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