He he - dat's me. M set it on the floor, but by the time she got the camera ready, I had already turned away. Anyway, it's always exciting to get mail. Plus, I had gotten a new ID tag (you can see dat red dingle-dangle thingy hanging round my neck) dat was driving me NUTS. Dad had just put it on my collar just dat day. I got side tracked again.
Hmmm, dis looks pretty interesting in here. I'd better get a closer look.
Oooo - look at all the neat stuff. it's from my friend @Boriskitty. I had won a prize donated by him at a pawpawty recently - a gift certificate to http://www.cattoys.com/ (which we haven't spent yet. Anyway, these new toys were a gift from @BorisKitty dat he picked out specially for me, not part of the gift certificate.
Toys - dey look like fun. They are all "Fat Cat" toys with organic catnip. Now what can get better den dat.
It is fun!
Pretty soon I was batting dis toy all around, den M picked it up and tossed it far away for me to chase. Weeee. Since there were 5 in the box, she tucked some of dem away to save for another day. (Gotta find dat hiding place).
Thank you Boris for all this neat stuff and the gift certificate to http://www.cattoys.com/ . You are a very, kind, generous friend. Big HUG (manly of course) for you.
Now I'd better get M to open up the web site so we can shop for more.
Stay tuned for the next post which will be a thank you to all the anipals/oomans dat donated to @CatNamedSinbad's fund. By then, we should have an update from his mama on her move and maybe hear how Sinbad is adjusting to his new home.
After dat post, we'll get to the Ladycat3 story, which so many of you have been waiting to hear. Until next time, this is Mario signing off.
Hai Mario!! That is sooo cool. It must be so exciting to receive a parcel, and the toys look awesome! I get excited when my mummy receives something, even if it's not mine, mawhawhaw!
We going to keep purring for Sinbad!!
Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla
Yeah for TOYS! Oh, that Boris...he really knows how to spoil us, doesn't he?
You mite want to has a consultashun with Busy Buttons on how to find those stashed toys. She has toy radar, you knows, and she can find them.
Oh boy! It looks like u got some great toys! :) I like ur new dingly-dangly thing. Peeps tried to get me to wear one, but I wasn't having any of it!MOL Getting mails are the best!! Thanks for sharing with us. xoxo
That's pawsome, Mario! I love getting mail!
OMC u iz gonna hab so much fun wif dem, but dunt furgets u haz money to spend too!
CONCATS on winning da pwize at #chilipawty!
Oh I won a prize from Boris at #chilipawty too! My kittehs LOVE their toys! And mail is always fun. I love to see mail with my very own name on it. hehehe Enjoy your goodies!
As I tried to post yesterday, you look so handsome in those pics. Never realized you have such cool markings. That thing on your neck is annoying ME!
OMC you look so hansome! That was very nice of Boris, you has fun playing with them! XX
What nice prizes you got from your buddy. Enjoy all of your nip toys.
OH! Looks like you got some great mail! Pimp and Moo love the FatCat toys. I hope you like yours, too!
You look like ur having lots of fun! What this ur to high to type? Day is some reallly good nip. Ke ke ke you know for a kitteh, you write berry well. I always need help wid da typing, coz my paws iz berry big and furry.
Oh Mario how exciting for you to have all those new toys - have fun :)
Wow what a great package! You'll get used to that new tag. It sure makes you look more handsome!
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