Dear Friends,
Sunday was such a sad day for me and M. as it was for many of our Twitter friends. We got the sad news dat Rosie (MedusaJ) crossed the Rainbow Bridge unexpedly very early dat morning after being rushed to the Vet by her mum.
After having very leaky eyes and spending time taling to Twitter friends, I told M I wanted to do somethig special for Rosie and her mom cuz I was feeling bad we didn't have a chance to tell her how much we loved her. I wanted to honor her in my bloggy. A day later M had a chance to talk to Rosie's mum, and she gave us permission to use any picture we wanted. The one at the top is my favorite - Rosie looking happy & waving her tail high.
I always felt close to Rosie. We used to joke and call ourseves the toothless buddies. We even talked about starting a "toothless kitty club" cuz I has no toothies and Rosie was almost toothless. Me memory isn't good so I can't member how many toothes she had left, but it wasn't more den 4 or 5, if even dat many. I have to giggle now because we had so much fun planning and trying to member who else was toothless to invite to the club.
Rosie had lots of other health problems too. I member the time the vet stole her thyroid just like my vet stole my toothies. She said she was never goig back there again because she was missing enough body parts. As sick as Rosie was, she never lost her sense of humor. She could always make me laugh when I should have been the one cheering her up. That was our Rosie.
The picture on the left is of Rosie in her garden. I always envied Rosie cuz she got to go outside in her garden and be free, while I'm teathered to a leash.
Rosie never thought of herself as bootiful, but just look at dat bootiful girl on the right in her garden. She was really gorgeous. She must have been too cuz she had several tom cats interested in her. (Including me, but don't say anything cuz I don't think I every told anyone dat before. I always felt I was no match for dat Rosie. What a gal!)

I member the day her mom bought Rosie the cute igglo. If I member right, Rosie got in it for bout 2 minutes, den got out. Dat was the last time we saw the igloo. It makes me smile again now cuz she much preferred boxes and told me she hated that thing. That was our Rosie - independent and knew her own mind.
M told me dat she likes to believe kitties and doggies become angels when they cross over the bridge because it helps her cope with the loss. After they are welcomed by PepiSmartDog and/or one of his special welcoming crew, they are taken to meet an angel and given their wings. They then have the freedom to return to visit us and their families, if they choose, or they can stay there and watch over us, protect us, and romp in the fields full of flowers and chase butterflies. I remembered a picture we saw one time and wanted to show you how we picture Rosie meeting dat special angel.
Fly high bootiful Rosie. I will miss you on earth but feel you are happy now and you don't have to worry abuot any more vets stealing your body parts- or toothies! We love you, will never forget you, and know we will be together again some day when we too cross dat bdige. Love you girl
Your pal Mario.
Mario, that is so beautiful. I didn't know Rosie, but she must have been something very special to inspire such a wonderful tribute.
What a wonderful post, Mario. I didn't know Rosie for very long, but she was a good furriend to all the anipals. It is so nice of you to honor her memory like this.
You are so very sweet Mario and you always have the right words for everything. xoxo
I think that's a lovely and tasteful tribute. ...It even made me laugh, because I also remember the day Rosie got her igloo, and she was mortified and disgusted! BOL! I also remember when I found out her named was actually Rosie; the whole time I thought her name was Medusa! She thought it was funny and said it was okay, I could still think of her as Medusa if I wanted. I miss her a lot.
I really liked your post, it was very special, I regret not having known and enjoyed the company of this beloved friend. Medusa I send you all my love!!
Sweet Mario, what a purrfect tribute. We all have so many happy, funny memories of our darling Medusa/Rosie kitty. Thank you for purring so eloquently about her.
Jinny, Pixel & Mama
Dear Mario, your loving heart gives me leaky eyes. I am grateful we are friends and thank you for telling me more about Rosie. She absolutely is bootiful!
Mario, that was a beautiful tribute and eulogy. We only knew Rosie a very short time but we were very sad to hear that she left so suddenly for the Bridge. We LOVE that picture of Rosie meeting the beautiful special angel!
You are the best!
We continue to purr and purrray for Rosie's family.
Hugs to you, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla
You've done such a wonderful tribute my friend, I hope you know how much you mean to all of us.
Fly high Rosie, you will be missed.
Mario thank you so very much. This is a beautiful tribute and I never you had a little crush on me....I have a big soft spot for you too :)
Mum is crying her eyes out again but she is smiling too...about time! That's thanks to you so you are even more special to me now.
I have had such fun with you talking about our gums of steel & reading all about you in the blog.
The picture with the Angel is lovely & I am so glad to have met you.
BTW much as I miss you please don't come knocking at the need to stay here toothless & proud :)
Thank you so so much, love Rosie Xx
What a great tribute to one great kitty! I also remember when she got her igloo and I thought it was so funny when she said she preferred boxes instead. And I also remember her saying she had no problem eating, even wifout toofies! She had such a great sense of humor!
I saw a swallowtail butterfly in the garden's sun today; thought of Rosie; *waggles* The swallowtail butterfly here is v rare as she is~
That's a beautiful tribute to Rosie. What great memories we have of her :)
*ducky hugs*
This is so bootyful Mario, an our Rosie is Bootyful too !! HUGS
Dear Mario. Thank you for the lovely tribute to Rosie. See, you made her mom smile! That's a terrific gift! You are a special kitty, too, like Rosie.
I had to come back & let Mum read this again...she was crying so much last time that she couldn't see all your lovely words Mario MOL
Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments you have made have no idea how much it has helped Mum to see this post & your words about me.
You are so right, she was a beauty. FAZ
This was a beautiful post about Rosie, Mario. I'm sure she and Daddy Meow will be good friends up there!
Absolutely beautiful post Mario. I love that wonderful Rosie so much I'm kind of at a lose for words right now. Thank u for writing this. It made me smile and cry all at the same time. xoxo
this is a very nice post and im so sorry to hear about rosie :'(
im sure she is happy at at the rainbow bridge
i know how hard it is to lose someone close to you.
now it's official, we's followin u MOL
What a wonderful tribute Mario. You are such a sweet loving kitty.
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