Angel Wings earned 12/15/11 at age 14 |
Hi Pals,
Sadly, the Blogosphere and Twitter Worlds lost another very dear friend and special kitty - @AdmiralHestorb. Mom and I have cried buckets of tears over Admiral and feel so bad for the void left in her mom's heart and ours.
Admiral was one of those special kitties that only comes along now and then. And, M says if you are lucky enough to have one of those very special loving kitties (cuz she says I am one of those - he he), you will know how great the void is. If you haven't already read Admiral's mom's post on Admiral Hestorb's Blog, this morning, please go over there and read this very special post. It will give you an idea of just how tender Admiral could be with her mom, and why the void in her mom's heart is so great. It will leave you with a smile too.
I've only known Admiral for about a year, and we met first on Twitter. Admiral's mom (Carole) happened to see the article @MaggieTKat's mom wrote about M in the @AnipalTimes "Talk To The Hand" An instant bond was formed between Carole and M because they both lived in Melbourne, Florida the same year (but didn't know each other). Being chatty women, they just HAD to have a phone conversation it seems, which then led into many phone conversations. Well pals, you know our oomans - when they get the phone glued to their ears, it can go on for hours. Mostly they talked about their living in Fla, about Admiral, and about me!! So we really got to know a lot about Admiral and her mom and that special bond they had.
Whenever M and Carole talked on the speaker phones, Admiral would come out from wherever she was napping and meow into the phone as if to say hello to me and M. Now we miss those little meows when we talk to Carole. But we are also happy to know that Admiral isn't in any pain, that she's like a young kitten again and never has to go see the v.e.t. again. We also know she's happy at OTRB because there are so many pals already up there to take good care of her and make her feel welcome.
The day Admiral crossed the bridge, @PepiSmartDog made up some pictures for Admiral's mom of that crossing, which were tweeted by our dear friend @HollieCatRocks, who helped Admiral cross that bridge and stayed with her until she became orientated.
(Admiral in the front, me on the left, then Pepi, the Hollie then CatRulers) |
Admiral's cat husband - @CatRulers - and I got to accompany Admiral in the pram along with @HollieCatRocks as @PepiSmartDog steered his pram. Pepi then dropped @CatRulers and me off before the pram actually went into OTRB and we had to teleport back to earth. It was quite a ride cuz that Pepi is a fun and wild driver. Several times we were all going "weeeeeeeeee - this is fun!" Thank you to Pepi's mom, Michele, for taking the pictures.
Thank you to my dear friend @HollieCatRocks for escorting Admiral, being such a wonderful support to Carole before and after the crossing, and for all the work she does in helping many Twitter pals with their journey. It was only a little over a year ago that Hollie had to make that journey herself, so she knows what it's like and how hard it is on our oomans when we leave them behind.
Admiral, sweetie, while we miss you down here, we know you are happy, pain free, and acting like a kitten again. Don't worry about your mum, we'll take care of her. You will always be in our hearts forever. I saw your star last night and it was shinning ever so brightly down on our house. We'll be watching for it every night. Oh, I love that little prezzie you left behind for your mom to find too (shhh, we'll keep it a secret). It made M and I laugh so hard and made your mom smile - she needed that smile sweetie - good thinking on your part! Kisses from M and a big SMOOCH from me.
Love you forever Admiral.