Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving From Our House To Yours

Hi Pals,

With Thanksgiving in one more day, I was thinking dat I have a lot to be thankful for:  all my friends in the Blogosphere, Twitter, Facebook and Cat Scouts; my humans who love me; a nice warm house with almost enough food (don't forget I'm on this dumb d.i.e.t. so I don't get all I'd like to eat); this comfy Hammick; and good health - so far; and the list could go on and on!   But, you get the idea.  I really have it made here and I know it!!     

How about you?   What are you thankful for?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING from our house to your house!  


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday - I'm a Cat Scout and Proud Of It

Hi Pals,

I'm so excited because i was accepted in the Cat Scouts!  Woohoo!   This is a real honor too cuz you have to work hard to earn badges and honors.

If you might be interested in joining the Catscouts (ladycats can join a ladycat troop too), check out this link for information:

Now excuse me please as I need to start working on some badges.   While I do that, you can join this Blog Hop hosted by @PepiSmartDog over at   It's easy and you'll meet lots of new pals.   


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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Oh Mousies!!

Hi Pals,

I'm so excited cuz I just got the Mousies Award from my friend Sushi over at Sushi's Diary.   That Sushi is such a cutie.  If you haven't met her yet, please go over to her bloggy.  Thank you sweet Sushi for this yummy (just kidding) award.   Who doesn't like mousies!

Now here's the rules - you can see there are not many, so it doesn't take long to do:

1. Thank the blogger who gave you the MOUSES! Award.

2. Post the award somewhere on your blog.

3. When acceptin’ the award, you need to use the word MOUSES! in a sentence. For this requirement, you may also choose to use one of the many variations of MOUSES! if you so desire. You know… like… mousin’, moused-up, etc…

4. Pass the MOUSES! Award on to two or more bloggers. You can pass it along to as many as you like but please try for at least two so that the award is spread around the blogosphere and doesn’t fizzle out or anything. And you’ll wanna pass the award on to bloggers whose work you read regularly and would therefore, sure as mouses recommend.

I think this award has been making the circuit for a bit, but I don't believe these pals have it yet.  So I hereby present the Mousies Award to:

Thank you again Sushi for the great award.   Mousies - it's a good one!

Now I need to go see if I can find some Mousies!


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop - Happy To Live Here

Hi Pals,

After listening to the news since last weekend, I feel I'm pretty lucky to live where I live.    M says we do have to put up with snow and cold in the winter, but dat is nothing compared to Hurricanes, Typhoons, severe tornados (we do get a few of those, but not many).  All of those bad weather thingies are so much worse then the snow and cold dat we get in the winter.   So, I don't think I should complain anymore dat I can't get outside in the winter.  At least I have a nice warm house to live in.  M says if a bad snowstorm is coming, the guy on the TV warns us days ahead so we can stock up on food and kibble.

Our hearts are breaking for the people dat live in dat country called the Phillipines cuz their country was devastated by dat big Typhoon and many humans and probably animals too were killed or are missing.  

Are you thankful for where you live?

Now join our blog hop hosted by PepiSmartDog in Australia - it's fun, easy and you'll meet new pals.


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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Book Review by M - "Heart For Rent, With An Option", by Karla Vandenburg

Hi Friends,

M here.  Mario was kind enough to let me post this book review in his blog today as he has so many more readers than I have on my blog.   It's true when we say "cats rule."  They really do.

Review of
Heart For Rent, With An Option
by Karla Brandenburg

Michelle,  a ghost writer, decides to return from Europe ahead of schedule, which presents a problem for the man she rented her house to.   Keith’s mother is in a nursing home and not expected to live much longer.  Michelle's house is very close to the nursing home where his mother is.   Michelle has never met Keith, as his housing arrangements were handled by their mutual publicist.   The publicist talks Michelle into letting Keith stay for a couple of weeks until his mother passes away.   Michelle does not know that she has been ghost writing for Keith and Keith does not know Michelle is his ghost writer.  Keith had made a couple of derogatory comments that he was not happy with the way his ghost writer had handled a couple of  publications.  Michelle relents and agrees they can share the house if it is temporary, assuming each would be out of the house for major parts of the day at  their respective jobs.

Both Michelle and Keith feel a strong attraction to each other but talk themselves out of getting too close.     Each has a sister with complicated problems.  Neither sister is happy with Michelle and Keith's sharing a house.   Family dynamics in this book run strong on each side.  

While away on a book tour, Keith discovers secrets about Michelle that even she does not know, secrets that could put her life in jeopardy.

Keith's mother plays a strong role in Keith and Michelle's relationship, but you'll have to read the book to find out how.
This book is full of twists and turns to keep the reader interested. There were times I did not want to put the book down even tho I knew I had to.

I think you will enjoy the book.   It is available for Kindles at and available for Nooks at Barnes and Noble and in paperback or hard cover at either store.

I hope you will give her book a try.  i have read 4 of her books and enjoyed every one of them.

For what it is worth, I have received no compensation for this review. I simply enjoy giving unrecognized authors a little extra publicity when they are worthy of it.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday - My Typist and @PepiSmartDog's Typist

Hi Pals,

Can't believe it's time for another Thankful Thursday bloggy hop.   Amazing how time flies when your paws are kept so busy.  

I am thankful for a human to type for me, even tho I have to keep a close eye on what she is doing.   If she didn't do this for me, I would not be here today.  So thank you M - even tho you make lots of mistakes and take forever to get something done, I really love you and appreciate you.

I'm also thankful for @PepiSmartDog's human cuz she's the one who keeps this bloggy hop hopping each week.   She also keeps up the Rainbow Bridge bloggy, is a local volunteer kangaroo wrestler and rescuer in her country of Australia (where else would one find those kangaroos - he he), and works hard at making life better for anipals all over the world.   If you have never been to Pepi's blog, join this hop and go over and take a look at their site.   It's amazing.  Now hop on board.

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Dona Nobis Pacem - I Am A Peace Blogger

"Let There Be Peace On Earth"
Written By
Jill Jackson Miller and Sy Miller 
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With every step i take
Let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
And live each moment
With peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.

Friday, November 1, 2013

WOW - I've been Intervood in Mousebreath!

Hi Pals,

I'm so excited because Jan of Jan's Funny Farmer Felines intervood me and my intervoo is appearing in todays issue of Mousebreath!   Does that mean I'm famous?  I think so.  

Please go over to Mousebreath and take a peak at it.  You just might learn something new about me.

Thanks to the Funny Farmer Felines for this great opportunity.   It has been a great honor to be intervood by you.

I've also joined Rascal and Roco's Pet Parade Blog Hop #13    Join in with us, it's fun.
