Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Movie Star Is Born

Hi Pals,

All this holiday stuff makes a kitty tired.   I've been napping a lot since sisfur and her hubby left Christmas morning.    Now we can get ready for New Years, although the peeps said they are going to have a "low key" New Years - whatever that means.

I had a great prezzie from my good buddy @WallasEKat -- A good Twitter pal who lives all the way over in Australia.   Two fun toys, that I'll show in my next post.   M has been waiting so she can get a good picture of me playing with them, but I haven't been cooperating.   I played for a while Christmas Eve when sisfur was here.  But M wasn't fast enough with the camera to get a picture.    Now she's keeping the camera out where it's handy.

The blankey that I'm napping on is what was in the box I was so excited about. It's my very first Peggy Blankey.    I'm enjoying it and appreciate M and D getting it for me.   

We thank all of you for the great cards and ecards.   We loved every one of them.  M posted the e-cards, but needs to take a picture of all the snail mail cards yet.   She's slower than I am!!!  he he  

Now I need to get back to some serious napping.  New Year's Eve is tomorrow night.

Before I go, I'll show you my very first movie.   M says don't expect much, but it will give you a good idea of what kind of boy I am.  he he   I'm supposed to  catch the fishie and when I do touch the screen, I start painting a picture.   So far I haven't touched it!   he he   

Until next time pals,


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

From Our House To Yours - Merry Christmas

Hi Pals,

Tonight is Christmas for us - well at least to open our prezzies.   I see a box under the tree for me and I can't wait to see what is in it.

My human sisfur and her husband (SIL) will arrive in time to have dinner with my peeps, then we get to open prezzies.  Let's see, that at least 9 hours away yet since I'm publishing this blog about 10:00 in the morning.   Dat's a long, long time to wait.  (prances around - getting antsy).  

After breakfast Christmas morning, Sisfur and SIL will travel to SIL's family's home about an hour from our house.    I plan on spending the day on a lap - probably D's lap, but maybe I'll share some time on M's lap.  Afterall, we kitties need our naps!

My peeps and I want to wish all of you dear friends a very Merry Christmas.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Move Over Pablo Picasso - Here Comes Mario

Hi Pals,

I've decided to take up Painting!   Do you think I can be as famous as Picasso? I hear he makes a ton of money.  Or am I going to have to wait until I cross that bridge before I'm famous?   I think that's what happened to Picasso.

The picture above shows mostly M's painting as I only watched the mousie run here and there.  One time I did paw at him, but I didn't touch the IPad.

This morning M got it set up again for my second try.  I really slapped that mousie a couple of good ones.  But, darn, M was too slow at taking the picture, so there isn't one. Tomorrow when we try it, she's going to do it on a bed so she can be more level with me.   I'm determined to keep  at it though.   D is proud of me cuz he is a real artist.   (You can see his art work in a tab at the top of my blog - "My Dad's Art Work")

Thanks for visiting pals.   Hope you are all being good kitties and woofies cuz M says Santa is watching.

I'm joining the Blog Paws Blog Hop:   Hop on along with us.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thankful For You --- My Readers

I must supervise the typist when doing my blog.  She
doesn't take dictation very well!  
Hi Pals,

I've been missing for the last few Thankful Thursday posts.   M says maybe we have hit a plateau.   M and D love me to pieces, but M says I'm such an inactive kitty, and they are old foggies who are inactive too.   Therefore, nothing much of interest happens around here.   

My day consists of maybe playing with M after breakfast, then a nap.   Right after lunch I go downstairs to be with D and take a nap on his lap.   Then it's dinner time, followed by me begging for kibble, followed by some play time with M.   Pretty boring if you ask us.

We are so thankful to you readers for hanging in there with me since my very first post on December 29, 2009.   You all deserve a medal for staying with me for 5 years!      

M says we'll try to sharpen up our skills and come up with something interesting soon.    So stay tuned - there is hope.  he he  We just need to get the brains working again! 

I'm joining @PepiSmartDog's Blog Hop.   We are very thankful to Pepi's mom for running the blog hop week after week.   Go over and check out their blog too - lots of cool pictures over there and something very exciting is going to happen in her neighborhood.


P.S.  My D has caught 21 mousies so far!   I still don't understand why the peeps won't let me go outside at night so I can catch them!  Why does D get to have all the fun?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas - Selfie

Hi Pals,

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.   Peeps dragged the tree up from the basement, and as soon as M was thru hanging the cat toys on the tree, I needed a nap.   Well, what else is that tree for?

My selfie today had to have M's help.  It's hard to take a selfie when you are a loaf with no paws, and I decided I wasn't moving.

Join in the blog hop hosted by A Cat On My Head.  Go over and say hello to them.    Thanks for hosting this again pals.   


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving - 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Hi Pals,

I sure have a lot to be thankful for.  My staff of two, who take care of me, give me cuddles, playtime, food, and a nice warm house to live in.    What more could a kitty possibly want.  Every night when M goes out to fill the birdie feeders, I sniff the fresh air, and it's so cold that I never stay by the door longer than time to get in one whiff.   To think that I once lived on the streets for a short time  YUK!!!  I was wet, cold and hungry back then until some lady found me and took me to the Humane Society.   Then I had to wait 4 whole months before M and D came along and adopted me.  So, I'm very thankful for my home and humans.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family pals.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful - I Am A Survivor of Feline Stomatitis

 Hi Pals,

Notice anything different about my mouth?   Yup - I has no toothies.   Now my pals that have known me a long time know the story and why, but some of you new pals don't know.   Since this is important information every kitty (and sometimes woofies) should know, we're going to do a quick recap.

When I was adopted at 3 years old in October 2008.   M took me to the vet that very day and the vet said it looked like I had a few bad teeth.  My gums were inflamed, toothies needed cleaning and maybe some pulled.   I also had infection in the gums.     Four different courses of antibiotics just didn't clear it up, so our vet sent me to a anipal dentist in another city.   He diagnosed Stomatitis and recommended all my teeth should be pulled or I'd never get rid of the infection and the bad gums could lead to other serious diseases down the road.

Here is an excellent article in my dentist's web site that explains Stomatitis.   If you or another kitty or woffie might have this, please read the article (click here)  and talk to your vet about proper treatment or a referral to an anipal dentist..   This is very important!

I have been Stomatitis free for 6 years, and living with no toothies really isn't a problem as long as I'm an indoor kitty and don't have to kill my own food or defend myself.   I even eat kibble.

If you want a blow by blow accounting for all we went through over an 8-month period, please check out the tab (Where Did My Toothies  Go) at the top of this page.   It chronicles our total experience.   

I've joined @PepiSmartDog's blog Hop.   We are thankful to his mom for providing the blog hop and for all her work with rescued animals in Australia.  I'm also thankful I don't have to worry about Stomatitis anymore!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Got My Easy On And Selfie

Hi pals,

I've got my Easy on for today and I'm joining http://thecatonmyhead.com/ blog hop.   

It snowed last night (not much - about 1/2 inch), the house seems chilly today, and the peeps are going to watch the Packer's play.   It's a good day for me to borrow under the throw on the sofa and hide away.   It's warm, cozy, and private until the humans find me.

Hope your easy is going well too.


PS Sorry I've been missing for a bit.  M says she thinks she has her "act" together now.  Whatever that means!!  Humans!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Where Are The Mousies!

Hi Pals,

Please excuse my back side, but it's pretty important that I keep patrolling for the mousies.   

Two nights ago, about 2:00 a.m. (M says), she woke up like she many times does, got out of bed, and noticed me missing.   The found me with my head between the blinds, tail wagging, butt wiggling, and I was very intent on what I was seeing.

It was MOUSIES pals!   M turned the light on over the patio and nearly screamed - one mousie was climbing up the screen door between the house and outside of the patio.  Boy was it ever neat, and I was reaching up trying to get him down.    I really wanted M to open that patio door so I could get out there and catch me a mousie!   She wouldn't open it for me!  Humans can be so mean sometimes.

Now, of you will excuse me, I need to get back on patrol.  Maybe tonight is the night I'll catch me a mousie!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Mr. B and Nip Pillow

Hi Pals,

There are lots of things to be thankful for, but today I'm focusing on just two of them.

We are extremely thankful for Mr. B, who took care of our yard all summer and took care of the leaves this fall (of which there were plenty).   M says that without his help, we probably would not still be living in this house.   Thank you Mr. B - you are deeply appreciated.    

I'm also thankful for my nip pillow.    M smothers this in capnip whenever I ask for it, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it so much that sometimes I ask for seconds.  he he  

I'm joining @PepiSmartDog's Blog Hop - hop on with us and you may meet new pals.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dona Nobis Pacem and Surprise For M

"Let There Be Peace On Earth"

Written By
Jill Jackson Miller and Sy Miller 

Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With every step i take
Let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
And live each moment
With peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.

Hi Pals,

I'm joining lots of other Peace bloggers from all over the world in promoting Peace.   We happen to love the song I posted, and I know I used it last year too, but it's a beautiful song with very appropriate words. 

Now for my surprise for M.  Last night I hopped up on the bathroom counter as she was brushing her toothies.   She said "just a minute Mario -  my turn first, then your turn."    After she finished, she reached over for my hairball goop (Laxatone), put some on her finger and held it in front of me.

Pals I actually licked it right off her finger!   I have never done that before.  But, I decided it was better for her to get her finger goopy than for me to have goop all over my paw and have to lick that off.   M nearly fainted on the spot.  Then she mumbled under her breath something like "it only took us 4 years to reach this point."  ha ha

Peace everyone,


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Spooky Thankful Thursday

Boo Pals!

Are you ready  for halloween tomorrow?    I will be so thankful when it is over.   All those two-legged rug rats running around screaming from a sugar high - I tell you - a cat can't even nap through it anymore! The doorbell will be ringing off the hook until M and D finally turn the lights out.

M here:  Now Mario - it's really not that bad.  We only get about 50 kids, and D and I happen to enjoy the kiddos!   So just relax, close your eyes, and know that tomorrow you can catch up on your napping! You slept most of today anyway, so you shouldn't even be tired!   Help me answer the door like you used to do and check out all the great costumes.   Take your nap later.

I still say I'll be thankful when it's over.  It's Thankful Thursday, and that's what I'm thankful for.  So find your own something for Thankful Thursday M!   (Humpf!   I think we'd better go over the rules of who really is supposed to be catered to - it's ME!

Happy Halloween pals

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Super Big Thank You and HodgePodge

Hi Pals,

M has had the Do Not Disturb sign out for me for the past week.   My birthday pawty last Wednesday was a total success.  I sure had a great time, but have been so tired ever since. (Shhh, don't tell M, I had too many niptinis.)  My pawty was a success because of all you good pals who came to wish me a Happy Birthday.   We are so very thankful for all of you.   

Today I told M to check to see when my first blog was posted - it was 10/22/09.  he he - it didn't say anything tho cuz we didn't know what to say and didn't know what we were doing.  We were green horns at this blog stuff.  As of today, I has been posting for 5 years.  So I guess today is my Blogoversary date too.  Woohoo

Sorry we haven't been faithful in visiting.  M's back and Sacro joint have been hurting big time so she can't sit very long in her office chair.   She says the change in seasons isn't helping any.  We'll get back on track soon - we hope.  You might want to follow me via email.  There is a button for that in my side bar.  I don't post every day, as you know.  I'm a hap-hazard kind of kitty.  Sometimes I only post once a week, sometimes 3 times. 

I've joined @PepiSmartDog's Thankful Thursday Bog Hop.   Thanks to Michele for keeping it going every week.  Hop on board and join us.  

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Happy 9th Birthday Mario

Hi Everyone:

I'm so happy you came to my Birthday Pawty.  Would you believe that M finally remembered this year?    I has never celebrated my birthday in my bloggy before cuz M usually thought of it after the real day!  Sigh!   So, come on in and join the fun.  Help yourself to all the food and drinks.

Assorted Cheeses

Healthy Choices for those on a diet!

Canape's containing fresh Mousies

Fresh caught  salmon

Puppy Chow

Assorted niptinis and Barkaritas

Refrigerator Full Of Sodas

Birthday Cake

Thanks for coming to my birthday pawty.  We hope you had a good time and are leaving with a full belly!


Monday, October 13, 2014

YIKES! It Can't Be Possible!

Hi Pals,

We can't believe that I'm going to be 9 years old already.  M has had leaky eyes just thinking about it cuz she says I'm getting old and she not like that!    Pffft - I say I'm in the prime of my life.   I do worry tho that I'm getting grey.   You know how the humans are with worrying about grey hair, well I know that means old age!   Take a look at the following picture and tell me what you think.

See all that grey?  Maybe I should have a fur touch up?   What do you think?  Do you have any grey hair? 

Be sure to come on Wednesday for my birthday pawty!  Stop by my blog any time - there will be lots of food, drinks, and maybe games to play.   

Old Man Mario is signing off for today,

See you Wednesday,


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thankful Thursday - This Could Have Been Me

Hi Pals, 

I'm so thankful to the Humane Society of Northeastern Wisconsin for keeping me for 6 months before my humans came along to adopt me.   Yup - I was held there for 6 months cuz I was a friendly fellow, but was black and white.    Black cats get a bad rap you know!  sigh!  I'm here to tell you most of us are wonderful kitties if you would just give us a chance.

Anyway, this past weekend M read in the newspaper about a program that the Humane Society has had for 3 years called "Barn Cat Buddies." This program places unadoptable kitties (Feral)  in various places where the humans are looking to control mousies!  They are all spayed and neutered before being placed.   

Our Herritage Hill (Living Histrory Mueseum) has 3 Barn cat Buddies - they have controlled the mousie population and are treated very kindly - to the point where they can be found lounging in office chairs in the barn or other buildings.  They have trap doors so they can go out and come in at will, are is attentive, kind staff on hand if it's so snowy outside that it's unfit for a kitty to go out, then staff can feed them.    It's and win/win situation for both the kitties and business they are working for.  So we say BIG KUDOS to the Humane Society of Norheastern Wisconsin for coming up with this program and to the various business that have adopted these willing workers!

It would be wonderful if all these kitties could be adopted in forever homes like we have, but some are just too wild to become household pets.  The Humane Society tries their level best to see that adoptable kitties get a wonderful forever home like you and I have.  What do you think about this program?   I am one of their success stories.  


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Selfie - Cheating

Hi Pals,

We really cheated on the Sunday selfie this week.   M was going to try to help me take my picture with the new IPad, but she said she can't get down on the floor with me.  So, she took one of my pictures from outside and cropped it really small.  In doing this and letting it go back to a larger size, it  came out looking rather artsy!   So, Maybe we'll use it again next Caturday for that blog hop.   Hop on with us and have some fun. 



Friday, October 3, 2014

Caturday Art Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

I had to remind M today about the Caturday Art Blog Hop -  she didn't remember.   Geeesh!  Can you believe it.   If I didn't reminder her of most of the things, nothing would get done around here.   She says times goes too fast and she can't keep up ------- likely excuse!

The above picture (minus a few finishing touches) was used as my AV for #Nipclub Thursday night.  They celebrated "Broadway" by playing lots of tunes from Broadway hits.   That's M's favorite.   So, for today's Caturday Art Blog Hop, we put it in Photoshop Elements 10, went to Filters, clicked on Brush Strokes, then clicked on Crosshatch!  Oh, she also did a beviled edge too, which is easy once you figure it out.

The original picture is bits and pieces of different pictures, which she put in a program called Play With Pictures.   That's a program where you can cut pieces of a picture out of the original and put those pieces in a new picture.  Notice the Microphone in my hand - that was cut from a picture showing 3 different microphones.   The cats' eyes in the back and the "Cats" writing, was cut out from another photo, then she found a picture of a stage with lighting that she combined  too.  For the Caturday Bog Hop, she just put the picture into Photoshop Elements as I said earlier.   Tonight's work amounted to about 1/2 hour by the time I said I liked it.

Now join us on the blog hop by clicking on http://www.athenacatgoddess.com/.  You can also click there to see the art work of the participants.  Hop on board.

Until next time pals,


Friday, September 26, 2014

Caturday Art Blog Hop With Athena

Hi Pals,

I've joined AthenaCatGoddess' Caturday Art Blog Hop.  He he - that masterpiece (not) above was done on Photoshop Essentials 10 using Fresco button and Clicking another button for Scaloped Edge!   That was basically it!    

I love seeing all the neat things done with using the free sites too - you don't need a Photoshop program to some pretty things.  We already had the Elements program, so prefer to use it rather than try to learn something new.  It's called laziness on our part!

Can't wait to hop around and see all the other unique art work this week.  Join us.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Getting Closer to Goal! - #HillsPet

All this for .2 pounds!  Will it ever end!
Hi Pals,

Woohoo - I'm down to 13.6 pounds now.  I tried my best to escape being carted off to to the vet today by hiding under the bed.   Dang!  It didn't work.   I got caught anyway.

The good news is I overheard M tell the lady behind the counter that she wasn't going to bring me in next month cuz I'm starting to be wary!   So they will weigh me on our baby scale at home and call the weight in to the vet's office.   That sounds like the best idea my peeps have had in ages!  I don't mind getting on the baby scale at home.   M says I'm looking real good too, but it's hard to tell from the pictures of me because I'm sitting like a loaf and have a "broad beam."  he he    

I'm thankful that I won't have to go next month.  i'm also thankful @PepiSmartDog is hosting another blog hop.  Join in - it's fun.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Butterfly Light Award

Hi Pals,
I was so very surprised late yesterday to receive the very beautiful Butterfly Light Award from my good friend McGuffy at http://mcguffysreader.blogspot.com/. McGuffy is a very talented lady who writes poetry and short stories, works very hard advocating for animals, occasionally does book reviews in her blog.  She Spreads the light every day.  o over and check out her blog. She always makes us happy when we visit.  Thank you McGuffy for this prestigious award. You are a tough act to follow with your flair for writing.   I hope one day we can meet in person.

Background: This award was given to Don Charisma by Belinda of Idiot Writing. She created the award as appreciation to him for his help in repairing her computer. He has asked that recipients of the award always link back to Belinda's for creating such a special award, as we continue to spread the light.

The conditions of accepting the Butterfly Light award are as follows:

1.  Write an acceptance post making sure you link back to the blogger who awarded you and thank them.  You may not add this award to a post with other awards.   (Did this in the opening paragraph.)

2.  Individually name and re-award a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 9,999,999 bloggers.  You must let them know either personally with a comment on their blog or a "pingback".

Now here are the bloggers I am nominating for the Butterfly Light Award.   I have selected them for reasons listed next to their name.

**  Nerissa at http://www.nerissaslife.com/ for his adventuresome spirit and common sense.   Nerissa's human also does a lot of work with rescuing animals. Nerissa uses his blog for educational purposes on various subjects, while poking fun at his humans.   

**  Cathy Keisha's blog at http://www.stunningkeisha.com/ always has humor in it.   We  leave her blog with a smile or laugh.   Her human TW also does a lot of work for the rescue that CK was adopted from.  

Both of these bloggers light up the world for so many of us in the blogosphere.

3. Link back to Belinda at her blog Idiot Writing or her Profile Page , for creating this unique and special award.

4. Write a short paragraph entitled: How I'm spreading Light" or "How I'm a Positive Influence."

Now I'm supposed to "toot my own horn" on how I'm spreading the light. This does not come easy for anyone in this house as we were taught from little on not to brag! But here goes pals:

Due to the fact that I had to have all my teeth pulled due to a bad case of Stomatitis, M and I like to educate other pals on the importance a vet checking your teeth once a year and following whatever directions the vet may give you. If left untreated, Stomatitis can lead to many other health issues. So we like to spread the word on this so that no pal loses his/her life due to Stomatitis. I have a tab at the top of my blog titled "My Toothie Story," which goes into detail all about my experience. M also encourages other humans to call her if they have any questions or need moral support. This reminds me that I need to do another blog post on the subject as it has been awhile since my last post about Stomatitis.   

Thanks again McGuffy - we love you friend, and are so honored by this award.  


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thankful Thursday on 9/11

Photo taken from Google Images submittedbyRoadsideAmerica.com/

Click on above link to read the article as printed in Roadside America's Newsletter.

Hi Pals,

We bow our heads today in remembrance of the horrific destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City by terrorists.    M said she will never forget that day and will always remember where she was when she heard about it.  

We live in the central part of the United States, so that incident was far removed from our state.  But it left a big impact on us even tho it happened so far away.  M wrote more about this day in her personal blog  if you wish to  go over there and read it.  

Our good friend Cathy Keisha lives in New York and she has written a wonderful, first-hand-experience post on what it was like that day.   It's very worthwhile reading if you can take a minute to do so.   Her Pop actually was working in one of the Twin Towers the day is happened. 


Our small city holds a memorial service every year on 9/11.   I can't go cuz cats are not allowed!  About two years after the incident happened, the city had a replica of the twin towers built and it sits downtown in a park where everyone can see it.  Roadside America even published a nice article about it in their publication.  Click on Roadside America to read that and see more pictures.

We are thankful for all the fire and rescue people even private citizens who saved so many lives that day and risked their own by running back into the demolished buildings.  They truly are hero's!

We are also thankful to @PepiSmartDog for hosting this blog hop again today.   

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

How's this for a selfie of my whiskers?    No one ever gets to see my whiskers, so that was our mission for this post.

I've joined  Lisbeth's [The Cat On My Head] Blog Hop.   You can join too - directions are seen here: The Cat On My Head.    Wait until you meet that gorgeous Queen Lisbeth.  Grab that camera, take a selfie, and join us.  


Friday, September 5, 2014

Caturday Art with Athena CatGoddess

Hi Pals,

I talked M into doing an artsy thing tonight because we've missed the last couple of Caturday Art Blog Hops.    She said she was "dog" tired (whatever that means), but would do it for me cuz she loves me!

Here's the original photo @JessieJaney's human (Jane) made for me for the Gilligan's Island pawty for Nipclub a couple of years ago.   Didn't Janey do a fantastic job?
M used her photo in Photoshop Elements 10 (cuz we've had the program for a couple of years and M needs lots of practice).   She clicked on an Effect called "Ink Outline."    Then clicked on "Scalloped Edge to give the extra border.  The she clicked on black paint to paint that border.   Then she had to "Merge" the Layers, then "Flattened" the image and saved to her desk top.  Walla - we have a little different effect from the original picture that Jane made for me.   M likes to play around, but doesn't have much time to play anymore.,

Check Out Athena CatGoddess' Blog to see her neat picture and to find the other involved in the blog hop.  They always have so many cool and interesting pictures that mostly were created with free photo editing programs on the internet.   

Until next time.

Caturday Art With Athena CatGoddess

Friday, August 29, 2014

Caturday Art Blog Hop With Athena - M's Favorite

Hi Pals:

I'm participating in Athena Cat Goddess' Caturday Art Blog.   M didn't have much time this week again to "fool around" with Photoshop Elements, so she took the easy way out and used this photo (which was used exactly as it appears here:
This time she took this photo, cropped it, then added a frame from PhotoShop Elements 10's offering of frames, sharpened the photo a bit and called it done! She doesn't even know what she's doing and probably could not duplicate the process if she had to because she didn't keep notes on what she did. Anyway, the framed picture is now her favorite picture of me.

Join the blog hop and see all the creative ideas.  To join or see the instructions, just click on Athena's Blog here.   It's so easy.

Until next time,
