Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thankful For Our Special Visitors - Blog Hop

Left to Right - D and M, Sylvia, Carol, Nancy, Lisa

Hi Pals,

A couple of weeks ago, we had a special treat.   Another human of one of our special Twitter pals visited our state, and we had a chance to meet Nancy (@Bea_Bells).

Nancy was in Madison attending a conference.   We were fortunate in that she was able to break away from her conference the day before she was to leave to go back home.   Another good Twitter friend (Lisa - human of another doggie pal - @BigBoyBosco) volunteered to go meet Nancy in Madison and drive her to Oshkosh, WI where we were able to do a small anipal meet up.  Carol (@Fergusthedog's mom) drove to Oshkosh from Madison too.   Then, Sylvia (Bode's human - @4CatsStrapkie drove to our house, and she rode to Oshkosh with M & D).   It was great - or so I hear.  M told me all about it, and I was wishing I could have gone too.  Can you believe M didn't even take @Mariodacat2 with her -  the stuffie that is supposed to travel in my place when I can't go.  Hissss.  It's going to be a long time before I forgive M for that one.   She claims she didn't want to carry anything except a purse as she was using her cane instead of her walker because the restaurant was going to be so busy. Likely excuse!

Anyway, we are so thankful that we were able to get together to meet Nancy while she was in our state.  And, of course it's always fun to get together with our other anipal humans too.  We always say that anipal people are the bestest! 

Now, who wants to visit our state next so we can do another anipal meetup?   They are so fun, and we are thankful we could do one again this year.  Maybe even one of our good blogging pals would be visiting our state?  Just let us know - we'd love to meet you.

Thanks to PepiSmartDog's human again for hosting this Blog Hop.  Take a minute to read her blog as she's posted another great Kangaroo video and dog rescue stories..  


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Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Wake-up Call

Hi Pals,

I gave M a nice wake-up call this morning.  About 5:00 I hopped up on her bed, layed down beside her and purred like crazy.  Now this is especially noteworthy cuz M says she rarely hears me purr.   I stayed there for about 5 minutes, then sat up and promptly horked on her bed - right where I was laying.  he he  I've done it to D a few times, but I don't usually hork on M's bed.  

This is one way for M to do a bloggy for me - give her something to write about and get her up and moving early.  

Now if you will excuse me, I'm going back to bed on the other bed as I'm tired! Can't wait until M gets the other bed washed up and put together again!  My nap schedule is way off schedule today!


Thursday, July 24, 2014

We sent The 90's Packing - Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Whew, are we every thankful those HOT, MUGGY, 90's left our city and let in the 70's so the windows could be open once again.   Pals, I don't know about you, but when the house is closed up with the a/c on, we just get all sluggish around here.   I spent most of the day either in front of the patio door or in a window.  It's been great.

Are you thankful for cool days too?

Join @PepiSmartDog's blog hop - it's easy and fun.

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Monday, July 21, 2014

One Eye Open - Just In Case

Hi Pals,

Sorry for the poor picture, but it's pretty bright outside M said, and she just wanted to do a quick shot!    Now the important part is to take a look at that house across the street!  See it?  There are two black kitties living there and I have to keep my eye on them.   

Every night about the time it starts getting almost dark, they sit in their window watching me.   Then I has to sit in my window to watch them.   I has to patrol my house, but I don't know why they has to patrol mine!   I'm not going to escape at night and pay them a visit.   

What do you think they are doing over there?   I'm getting tired of this same window patrol every night!   How do I let them know that I'm a friendly guy and am not  going to invade their yard?


Friday, July 18, 2014

Until We Meet Again Dear Sid

RIP - @SidTheCatalhoula 7/18/2014

Photo designed by @ChatteMuse & tweeted with this verse on 7/18/14
   "@ChatteMuse: cherished friend @SidTheCatahoula In goldlight cloudfloat. gentled down 
tenderly xx~*CM" 

Our hearts are breaking today on Twitter as our very dear friend @SidTheCatahoula was helped across the bridge this morning by his adoring humans (Matt and Lisa).   Yesterday afternoon/evening he was rushed to the ER vet because he collapsed.   He had been having some other health issues on and off for about a month.   The ER doctor determined it was Cancer after doing some tests.   His humans made the tough decision to help him cross the bridge because they didn't want him to suffer or go through treatments just to make them happy.   They loved him so very much.

Sid was one of my first doggie pals on Twitter.  I remember all the fun we used to have virtually playing chase on Twitter. he he - Sometimes I'd zip under his belly and tickle his tummy.   Then he'd chase me all the harder.   We had such a good time.  He is going to be sadly missed by so many of our pals.

Sid - We love you pal, and you will be missed so much.  I'll always remember the good times we shared on Twitter.  Rest In Peace dear boy.  Someday we'll meet again when I cross that bridge (M says that had not be anytime soon either).  

Lisa and Matt - You made a very loving and courageous decision this morning to spare Sid from having to endure treatments, pain, etc.  Having gone through this with 3 kitties and 1 doggie, M says she knows how heart wrenching your day has been. Hugs from M and Mario Smooches from me.  You did the right thing for Sid!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop - My Harness

Hi Pals,

I'm so thankful for my harness and how it fits and also thankful because I have been outside again!   My harness came from @NipandBones a year ago, but it didn't fit me well and I would somehow slip out of it.

M has a friend who is an expert seamstress.  That lady was kind enough to come over one day when I was wearing it and marked it for alterations.   Pals, this harness is great now - it fits me just right, is comfortable, and I don't mind wearing it.  We are so appreciative to M's friend - Lady B - for taking it in for us. he he - she said it was a "beast" of a job to do and probably would have been easier to make a new one. ha ha - this was her first experience with making alterations on a kitty.  By the way, I was a good boy and she didn't even poke me with a pin either.   

Whenever my peeps say I can go outside and show me the harness, I run right to the perch, jump up there and wait for D to put it on me.   Then after he gets it all secure, I hop down and run right to the patio door.    M says I'm well trained.  ha ha - I say I just want to get outside and quick!   Sorry that picture is pretty dark, but it was after supper at night when it was taken and we didn't use a flash.

We're also thankful that @PepiSmartDog hosts this blog hop every week.  Thanks to your human Pepi.


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Monday, July 14, 2014

"I Plead The Fifth Amendment"

M here:   "Mario, where is the packet of kibble that always sits on the kitchen counter?"

M here:  "How can I give you more kibble if the packet is missing?"
"Mario, it couldn't just walk away on it's own.   Now I don't know how much more to give you this evening."

M here:  One-half hour later, I find the packet of kibble laying on the floor by the stair climber.

"Mario, how did this kibble packet get on the floor and way over here?"

"Mario, the bag of kibble didn't just walk over here by itself.  If D didn't move it and I didn't move it, that only leaves you!"
"Mario, You've always been such a good boy!   Why did you do this?

"That's a good one Mario!   I haven't seen any other kitties around here."

M here - The sad part is that I couldn't even remember if I had filled his packet in the morning, or was that kibble left over from last night?   I've been giving him wet food lately, with just 1/3 cup of kibble allowed for the remainder of the day.   So, this is my fault again for not remembering what I did this morning!  Yikes!

Anyway, don't worry about Mario.  He did get his bedtime snack of kibble before bed, and another snack at 4:00 am when I woke up.    He's not starving!   But he did apparently help himself to the bag with the hopes of getting the zip lock bag open!

Sorry we've been missing for so long.   Life just got in the way.  I think we are back on track now and will be going around to visit today.   

Mario and mom