Left to Right - D and M, Sylvia, Carol, Nancy, Lisa
Hi Pals,
A couple of weeks ago, we had a special treat. Another human of one of our special Twitter pals visited our state, and we had a chance to meet Nancy (@Bea_Bells).
Nancy was in Madison attending a conference. We were fortunate in that she was able to break away from her conference the day before she was to leave to go back home. Another good Twitter friend (Lisa - human of another doggie pal - @BigBoyBosco) volunteered to go meet Nancy in Madison and drive her to Oshkosh, WI where we were able to do a small anipal meet up. Carol (@Fergusthedog's mom) drove to Oshkosh from Madison too. Then, Sylvia (Bode's human - @4CatsStrapkie drove to our house, and she rode to Oshkosh with M & D). It was great - or so I hear. M told me all about it, and I was wishing I could have gone too. Can you believe M didn't even take @Mariodacat2 with her - the stuffie that is supposed to travel in my place when I can't go. Hissss. It's going to be a long time before I forgive M for that one. She claims she didn't want to carry anything except a purse as she was using her cane instead of her walker because the restaurant was going to be so busy. Likely excuse!
Anyway, we are so thankful that we were able to get together to meet Nancy while she was in our state. And, of course it's always fun to get together with our other anipal humans too. We always say that anipal people are the bestest!
Now, who wants to visit our state next so we can do another anipal meetup? They are so fun, and we are thankful we could do one again this year. Maybe even one of our good blogging pals would be visiting our state? Just let us know - we'd love to meet you.
Thanks to PepiSmartDog's human again for hosting this Blog Hop. Take a minute to read her blog as she's posted another great Kangaroo video and dog rescue stories..
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