Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving - 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Hi Pals,

I sure have a lot to be thankful for.  My staff of two, who take care of me, give me cuddles, playtime, food, and a nice warm house to live in.    What more could a kitty possibly want.  Every night when M goes out to fill the birdie feeders, I sniff the fresh air, and it's so cold that I never stay by the door longer than time to get in one whiff.   To think that I once lived on the streets for a short time  YUK!!!  I was wet, cold and hungry back then until some lady found me and took me to the Humane Society.   Then I had to wait 4 whole months before M and D came along and adopted me.  So, I'm very thankful for my home and humans.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family pals.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful - I Am A Survivor of Feline Stomatitis

 Hi Pals,

Notice anything different about my mouth?   Yup - I has no toothies.   Now my pals that have known me a long time know the story and why, but some of you new pals don't know.   Since this is important information every kitty (and sometimes woofies) should know, we're going to do a quick recap.

When I was adopted at 3 years old in October 2008.   M took me to the vet that very day and the vet said it looked like I had a few bad teeth.  My gums were inflamed, toothies needed cleaning and maybe some pulled.   I also had infection in the gums.     Four different courses of antibiotics just didn't clear it up, so our vet sent me to a anipal dentist in another city.   He diagnosed Stomatitis and recommended all my teeth should be pulled or I'd never get rid of the infection and the bad gums could lead to other serious diseases down the road.

Here is an excellent article in my dentist's web site that explains Stomatitis.   If you or another kitty or woffie might have this, please read the article (click here)  and talk to your vet about proper treatment or a referral to an anipal dentist..   This is very important!

I have been Stomatitis free for 6 years, and living with no toothies really isn't a problem as long as I'm an indoor kitty and don't have to kill my own food or defend myself.   I even eat kibble.

If you want a blow by blow accounting for all we went through over an 8-month period, please check out the tab (Where Did My Toothies  Go) at the top of this page.   It chronicles our total experience.   

I've joined @PepiSmartDog's blog Hop.   We are thankful to his mom for providing the blog hop and for all her work with rescued animals in Australia.  I'm also thankful I don't have to worry about Stomatitis anymore!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Got My Easy On And Selfie

Hi pals,

I've got my Easy on for today and I'm joining blog hop.   

It snowed last night (not much - about 1/2 inch), the house seems chilly today, and the peeps are going to watch the Packer's play.   It's a good day for me to borrow under the throw on the sofa and hide away.   It's warm, cozy, and private until the humans find me.

Hope your easy is going well too.


PS Sorry I've been missing for a bit.  M says she thinks she has her "act" together now.  Whatever that means!!  Humans!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Where Are The Mousies!

Hi Pals,

Please excuse my back side, but it's pretty important that I keep patrolling for the mousies.   

Two nights ago, about 2:00 a.m. (M says), she woke up like she many times does, got out of bed, and noticed me missing.   The found me with my head between the blinds, tail wagging, butt wiggling, and I was very intent on what I was seeing.

It was MOUSIES pals!   M turned the light on over the patio and nearly screamed - one mousie was climbing up the screen door between the house and outside of the patio.  Boy was it ever neat, and I was reaching up trying to get him down.    I really wanted M to open that patio door so I could get out there and catch me a mousie!   She wouldn't open it for me!  Humans can be so mean sometimes.

Now, of you will excuse me, I need to get back on patrol.  Maybe tonight is the night I'll catch me a mousie!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday - Mr. B and Nip Pillow

Hi Pals,

There are lots of things to be thankful for, but today I'm focusing on just two of them.

We are extremely thankful for Mr. B, who took care of our yard all summer and took care of the leaves this fall (of which there were plenty).   M says that without his help, we probably would not still be living in this house.   Thank you Mr. B - you are deeply appreciated.    

I'm also thankful for my nip pillow.    M smothers this in capnip whenever I ask for it, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it so much that sometimes I ask for seconds.  he he  

I'm joining @PepiSmartDog's Blog Hop - hop on with us and you may meet new pals.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dona Nobis Pacem and Surprise For M

"Let There Be Peace On Earth"

Written By
Jill Jackson Miller and Sy Miller 

Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With every step i take
Let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
And live each moment
With peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.

Hi Pals,

I'm joining lots of other Peace bloggers from all over the world in promoting Peace.   We happen to love the song I posted, and I know I used it last year too, but it's a beautiful song with very appropriate words. 

Now for my surprise for M.  Last night I hopped up on the bathroom counter as she was brushing her toothies.   She said "just a minute Mario -  my turn first, then your turn."    After she finished, she reached over for my hairball goop (Laxatone), put some on her finger and held it in front of me.

Pals I actually licked it right off her finger!   I have never done that before.  But, I decided it was better for her to get her finger goopy than for me to have goop all over my paw and have to lick that off.   M nearly fainted on the spot.  Then she mumbled under her breath something like "it only took us 4 years to reach this point."  ha ha

Peace everyone,
