Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

From Our House to Your House

We Wish you a 

Merry Christmas 2015

It doesn't seem like Christmas as there is no snow on the ground.   But the peeps are thankful for that cuz they always worry about driving in it over the holidays when humans are traveling.   So it should be safe travels for us as we go to sisfur and Sil's house Christmas Eve.

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends, both local and on line through Twitter, The Blogosphere, and Face Book.  We are thankful for each and every one of you.

We hope you have a joyous holiday period and a healthy, Happy New Year.  If you did not get a Christmas Card from us, take a copy of the one from my blog.   

Our Christmas Card was designed by Ann Adamus of Zoolatry.   She does outstanding work, so if you are in the market for any graphics, just contact her at:  http://zoolatry.blogspot.com/

Merry Christmas everyone.

Mr. D, M, and Mariodacat

PS - We want to thank everyone for their cards - ecards & snail mail cards alike.   We loved each one of them.  In fact, we always save them until the next year.  Loved all the pictures too.  M wanted to put the ecards up in the blog in a tab, but she can't sit long enough at one time to get it done.  Maybe it will be a good project for Christmas Day when we are home alone.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Sleep Over - Part Two, Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Well pals in my last post I promised to tell you what happened the next day after my sleep over.   Sisfur called M in the late morning and said we three cats had gotten along so well that she was thinking it would be good to bring her two kitties to our house to see how they would do.   I am a senior kitty and have ruled here for 8 years.   M agreed.   Sisfur & SIL catnapped me again and stuffed me into my PTU, then rounded up Tanner and Tucker and stuffed them in their PTU's. Off we went to my house with 3 singing kitties in their smaller car.  We were all singing the song of our people.  

Once home, M opened up my PTU so I could be first out.  I sniffed at Tanner and Tucker and then went to my own litter box downstairs.    Tanner and Tucker took off in different directions once they had their doors opened because they wanted to explore the house.  Tucker went into the living room, and Tanner ran back to a bedroom to crawl under a bed.   I eventually followed Tanner back to the bedroom and promptly sat in the doorway waiting for him to come out from under the bed.  M said I was stalking him!!!  Sisfur or SIL were always nearby just in case I decided I didn't like them in my house.  

As you can see in the next picture, Tucker  came downstairs by the humans and made himself comfortable in a chair.   I joined the humans downstairs about 15 minutes later, but no one thought to take a picture of me trying to get up on the chair with Tucker already there.  M thinks I might have wanted to play pawsies with him!!  

HELP - Tucker's picture came to us sideways in an email from SIL.  M put it in her picture manager, rotated it, and cropped it so Tucker and the chair were upright.   But, the minute we tried to post the picture on Blogger, it appeared sideways again.   M rotated it 3 different times in a picture manager and can't get it to be upright when she posts it in Blogger.  It appears upright in her files.  hisssss!  Any suggestions?

The Indulged Furries came up with the solution and it worked.  The picture is now upright.  Thank you so much to everyone who tried to help.  I did try all of the suggestions, but the Indulged Furries had the winning solution.  Thanks pals.  

They stayed at our house for almost 3 hours while our peeps watched a Packer Football game.   I thought I overheard Sisfur say something to M that they would probably bring them back for a weekend visit one day soon - after Christmas.  Not sure how I feel about that.   I would kinda like to get to know them better, but at the same time, I don't want to share things like lap time, toys, food.   Stay tuned for the next visit - whenever it happens.

I'm using the picture above as my selfie with the understanding that my humans had to take it.  It's hard to do a selfie when you are in kitty jail!    I'm joining the blog hop posted by A Cat On My Head.  We really appreciate their hosting this hop every Sunday - you rock pals. 

I'll be posting again in a couple of days with my Christmas Greetings.   Thanks for reading this ongoing saga pals.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Sleep Over - Really! Part 1

Hi Pals,

On Caturday afternoon I  was peacefully taking my nap when Sisfur and SIL showed up at the door, with M and D who had been out for lunch.     The next thing I remember was being stuffed in the PTU and dashed out the door.  W H A T if going on?

Sisfur got in the back seat with me, which I appreciated, cuz M always sits with me.  I voiced my opinion to sisfur about being catnapped during the 35 minute car ride to their house.  I had no idea where I was going!   pfffft!

We finally arrived at Sisfur's & SIL's house.  Those same  two young kitties again just sat on the floor staring at me.  Really -  don't they have anything better to do than watch me explore the house again.

Sorry we don't have any pictures of the event, but Sisfur and  SIL had work to do in addition to snoopervising us kitties, so they didn't take any.  But Sisfur reported to M & D that the overnight visit was uneventful with their two kitties just doing their own thing and totally ignoring me.   No one had to be locked up in any room alone.

All in all, sisfur felt the visit went very well and that if I had to go live with them some day, it probably would work out.

Now wait until you hear what happened next.   Stay tuned for Part I of this adventure this weekend.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving 2015

Graphic created for us 8 years ago by Robyn Harton (@GeorgeTheDuck's human).

Happy Thanksgiving Pals,

I have much to be thankful for, as most of us do:  a nice warm house, loving humans to take care of me, plenty of noms to eat  (unless you are on a diet), good health, and lots of toys just to name a few things.   We are also thankful for all our friends, both local and those of you on social media.  We are blessed.  Little did we know 8 years ago when we started on Twitter that we would meet so many wonderful humans from all over the world.

M and D are invited to Sisfur and SIL's house for dinner, so I guess I'll be alone.   M says I can't go with to see the other kitties because there will be too many people there.    Sigh!!!   But M said maybe I can have a special treat when they get home and feed me my supper.   (dreaming of a piece of turkey - leg would be good).   I will guard the house and take a nap.

Whatever you or your humans do for the day, have a great Thanksgiving and remember what the day is all about.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Meet And Greet - Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

On Caturday I got stuffed into the carrier again, only the destination this time was my human sisfur's house 45 minutes away - not the vet, which I am very thankful for.

If you remember on September 17, 2015, I did a blog on "The Other Half Of Our Family" and introduced Kim and Ken's new kitties to you (Tucker and Tanner).   

Tucker in MY PTU and Tanner under the table watching every move I made.

Well sisfur and M put their heads together and decided it was time for me to meet the new kitties cuz the deal is I'm supposed to live there if something happens to M and D.    I used to go to their house whenever my peeps were on vacation and their other two kitties and I got along (Amos and Keiko).   

I hate it when the humans get cock-a-mamie ideas such as this that involves us.  

The above picture shows my PTU, which sisfur opened up right away and I  took off exploring. Meanwhile I had two kitties watching me.   They never said a word while I roamed around upstairs.

Hey, I think I remember this place.  It's fun here,  but where are Amos and Keiko?

However, the minute I took off on a run for the basement to see if the litter boxes were still there, I had the patter of 8 paws running after me and 4 feet following the paws.   Sigh, a guy can't get away with anything.

The Humans had lunch and we kitties had a little lunch too.  Then, finally, M and D decided 3 hours was enough for the first visit.   Sometime soon I guess I have to go down there to stay overnight to see how that goes.  Then they will put me in my own room and let us kitties play pawsies under the door for a few hours.  

Tucker and Tannner haven't become territorial yet, so the humans feel it's best to take me there several times so that we all get used to each other.  M is really hoping that I will be a good boy and get along with Tucker and Tanner.

M and D were surprised that it went as well as it did. D thought they would have to make a quick exit 20 minutes after getting there, but I showed them. There was a little hissing by Tanner while we were downstairs, but he didn't attempt to advance towards me.   I can't remember if I hissed in return or not.   So stay tuned pals and keep those paws crossed that we can all get along.

We are joining @PepiSmartDog's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   Hop on and join us!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veterans Day 2015

Thank you to all our veterans
past and those still serving. We
appreciate you  keeping us safe
and giving your service to our

Hi pals,

The peeps and I want to wish everyone a Happy Veterans Day.  Let's all remember what this day is all about and honor those individuals.   Many have died through the years protecting our freedom.  Many are still serving.  We appreciate all of you. 

D is a veteran after spending three years in the Army a hundred years ago.   He was stationed in Korea for 13 months, long before I was adopted.

My human sisfur's husband (SIL) served in the Wisconsin National
Guard for a few years.   And we thank him for his tour of service. While he did not see active duty, he was ready and willing, and we love him for it.

Do you have a veteran in your family or know one?   Surprise them and tell them "Thank You" today.   They will be surprised and love you for it.


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween Caturday Blog Hop with Athena Cat Goddess


Hi Pals,

I am joining Athena The Cat Goddess' Caturday Art Blog Hop this week.  

The creation above was done in Pizap with a halloween overlay.   The photo is one I have used before.   They really have some nice overlays and/or borders for our use.  And, it's free.  Just take a little time to play around.   This creation took M all of about 10 minutes from start to finish.  That was enough sitting for her at the time.  I wish she could take a little more time to experiment with some of the other free programs out there, but I have to be thankful for what she does manage to get done.

Our Thanks to Athena and her human for sponsoring this blog hop again.  Go on over and check out all the neat pieces of art work - they are all really cool. 

Happy Halloween pals - don't let all the ghosts and goblins scare you today/tonight.   I personally will supervise M & D passing out candy from about 7 feet away so I can run and hide if I get skeered!  
Until next time,

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Another Sad Day On Twitter - Louise Hobson

Louise Hobson 10/25/15
Human of @Petiethecat on Twitter
Petiethecat  OTRB 5-25-2012


Hearts are breaking on Twitter and Facebook today as we lost another human of a dear kitty pal.   After bravely fighting Cancer for 3+ years, Louise Hobson left her family behind to cross the human Rainbow bridge to join her beloved @PetietheCat.   We extend our deepest sympathy to her husband, Ken, and family.    

Louise and Petiethecat were dearly loved on Twitter by all who knew them.   We had lots of fun times together on line.   M so wishes she would have had a chance to meet Louise as she was a very interesting lady.  Even tho we never met in person, Louise was a special Twitter friend.  She will be greatly missed by all who knew her on Twitter.

Sleep well Louise!  M said someday maybe we will still meet across the Rainbow Bridge.


Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Tocks of October Selfie - Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

I figured it was time I posted a picture of my tocks before October runs out.   So there they are for the whole world to see!   M was looking for a better picture, but she didn't find one.   Guess we haven't done a good job of taking the tocks' picture!  he he

I'm joining The Cat On My Head's Selfie Blog Hop.   Our thanks to the crew over there for their continually hosting the blog hop.  Be sure to check it out as they have a creepy guest host this week.

We're into snuggle weather here as the temp goes below freezing nightly.  That means I'll have my tocks plastered up as close to M as I can get them tonight to keep warm.

Hope you all are staying warm too.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Happy 10th Birthday To Mario - Thanksful Thursday Blog Hop

Happy 10th
Hi Pals,

Today is my 10th birthday (or at least we celebrate it today as it is my Gotcha Day too).   

Help yourself to food and drinks, sit and relax, and enjoy.

Tini's in any flavor


Hanks Bacon Beer

hors d'ouvres

Puppy Chow

More hors d'ouvres


Birthday Cake

Thanks for coming pals.  Hope you had a good time.    I'm so happy you came to help me celebrate my 10 birthday/gotcha day.   Love you all.


P.S.  We're joining @PepiSmartDog's Thankful Thursday blog hop.  Thanks to Michele for hosting again.  Go over and check out her blog from Wednesday - there is a special surprise in her backyard again.   WOW - I'd love living with her backyard as my backyard!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

My Prezzie For M - CRAZY Cat Lady Box #catladybox

Let's see if I can open it for her!  hmmmm

Hi Pals,

I surprised M last week by ordering a Crazy Cat Lady Box for her - full of goodies, and even a surprise for me.   Shh, don't tell her that I stole her credit card tho to do it cuz I don't have any $$ of my own.

There is a bunch of neat stuff in here.

Hmmm, wonder what that is?

You can order so that you will get a box each month (diffferent special items inside), or maybe like M, just get one box.    
Now what is in the bottom?

There were even a couple of special toys just for me!

To order a box for your human, contact Dorian Wagner on Face Book at https://www.facebook.com/catladybox.

Or their the website: http://catladybox.com/

Or via email at:   meow@catladybox.com.

What a great Christmas gift this would be for your human.


P.S. - a portion of the proceeds each month goes to an animal charity.

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Other Members Of Our Family

Hi pals,

I thought it was about time you met the other half of my family - my human sisfur and her husband (SIL).   You've heard me talk about SIL (real name is Ken) before because whenever something goes wrong with the puter, M yells for SIL to HELP!   He has bailed us out of more trouble!    The lady in Pink is my human sister, Kim.   They adopted two new kitties a week ago (Tucker on the left) and Tanner on the right).  

Saturday night they invited M & D and SIL's parents to their house to celebrate D's 80th birthday, Sisfur & SIL's 17th anniversary, a belated anniversary of SIL's M & D, and to celebrate the arrival of Sisfur and SIL's new kitties (Tanner & Tucker)!   

Can you believe that I wasn't even invited!!!!    Everyone had a good time cept me!    M said it wouldn't be fair for me to go there yet since Tanner and Tucker are still getting used to their new surroundings and humans.

Aren't they cute kitties?   Both are rescues.  One is about 1 1/2 years old and the other about 2 years old (M said she can't remember which one is the oldest - hehe - she's senile you know!).   M said I will get to meet them in a few weeks after they are fully settled in their new home.

So now you know our small family.  Next time I talk about SIL and sisfur, you will know who they are.    

M says she's going to try to post for me more often.  Sure.......we'll see how well she does.   She'd better, cuz I'm missing out on stuff in the CB and also Twitter.

Until next time,


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Graduation Day - Thankful Thursday

Hi Pals,

Whoopie - I've GRADUATED.     After almost 2 years, I have finally reached my goal weight of 12.0 pounds.  Actually my real goal was 11.75 (which I did reach), but then I developed an intolerance for the kibble on the diet food.   It was decided to take me off the diet food and put me on prescription diet duck - wet and kibble.   

M says I'm still going to have to be weighed at home once a week so we can keep a handle on the weight.   The vet and M don't want me to mushroom upwards again.  he he   

M and I are thankful to our vet, Dr. LaFond at Animal Hospital of Ashwaubenon for suggesting I lose this weight to keep me a healthy kitty.   I am feeling great now - more active, and even play a bit more (although I've never been one to play a lot).   

We are also thankful that I was put on Hills Metabolic Weight Loss Solution while I was losing weight.  It was an easy diet to be on as all the food was measured every day for me and there was no question as to how much I was going to be fed.   (I am not being paid to mention their name in this blog - this is my own idea).

We are also thankful to @PepiSmartDog's human (Michele) for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop again this week.   Join us and met some new pals.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunday Selfie Blog Hop - Window Wiffies

Hi Pals,

With the ongoing heat wave that we and everyone in the US has been having, M was extra kind to me and opened a window in the sunshine for one whole hour today so I could sniff and soak up the puddle.   Wow - was it wonderful.    I have only been outside on my harness and leash two (2) times this entire summer.   We're all waiting for this heatwave to end - hopefully starting next Monday.

I have joined Fiona's (The Cat On My Head) Blog Hop.   Go over and take a peek at many of the great blogs that have joined this hop. Join us - all anipals are welcome.    We are so grateful to the Fiaona for doing this faithfully every week.   it's been fun and we've met some really great new pals.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Selfie Sunday Blog Hop - Profile ?

Hi pals,

Welcome to my Sunday selfie.  he he   What can I say - project was a "Fail" this week.    M snapped several pictures and not one of them is decent.  Oh well, at least they aren't as bad as the one of me with Bunny Ears - remember that one.
Hmmm, this one makes me look like an old man cat with grey hair!  YIKES

Regardless of the outcome, we're continuing on with The Cat On My Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.   We all need a good laugh now and then, so this is the now!    Maybe next week will be better.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thankful Thursday - New Hidey Hole

Hi Pals,
You all know how I LOVE my hidey hole under the throw on the sofa in the living room - right?    Well, as you can see from above, I have a new one now.   It's not quite as nice as the one in the living room, but this one is located downstairs in our family room where I can really hide out.

Sorry I've been missing again - same ole story.  M's back and also rotator cuff in shoulder are continually hurting.  She says all the humidity is rough on her too. So doing a lot of typing at her desk is too painful.   We'll do what we can to visit, when we can.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

I'm joining @PepiSmartDog's Thankful Thursday blog hop again this week. Go check out their blog - there is something very unique in it today.    Our thanks to Michele (Pepi's mom) for hosting the blog hop again this week.  

Stay cool pals.


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Caturday Art Blog Hop with Athena The Cat Goddess

Hi Pals,

I'm joining the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by Athena The CatGoddess.   Our thanks to Athena and her mom for hosting this every week.

The above picture was used once before as it's one of M's favorites.  But this time we put it in Photoshop  Elements 10 and clicked on a filter called Scalaped Edge.   That gave it the frame like appearance around the edges.   It was all real simple.    We tried out  several other filters, but decided to leave the picture like it was.   

I hope we can manage to do the link right this time.   We have never accomplished linking up before this and always had to ask Athena's mom to help us out.   I hope it works now.   Keep your paws crossed.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Good News - Vet Visit Was Worthwhile & Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

I forgot to tell you what I weighed last week when I went to the vet.  I weighed in at 12.1 pounds.   Pals, I have dropped from the starting weight of 19 pounds.   See how good I look:

The vet would like me to be 11.75 so I don't have much to lose yet.    M is not sure if she wants me that low - she wants a little meat on my bones in case I get sick.    But, if  I can consistently hold at 11.9 or 12, M will be happy.   But I guess I'll have to be weighed frequently - bummer.   We use a  baby scale here at home, and I'm pretty good about sitting in it - as long as I get a treat after.  he he

I'm joining http://thecatonmyhead.com/fiona-rocks-purple-hearts/ Selfie Sunday blog hop again this week.   Check out  all the neat blogs that are part of this large blog hop.   Join the fun.  

Once again we apologize for going missing so much. M now has rotater cuff problems and typing at her desk isn't working very well - and her back doesn't like it either.  She had bought an IPad a few months ago with the thought of being able to lay in bed different times of the day and still get work done.  Well, that hasn't been good for the rotater cuff problem and makes it worse.   So she says she can only do what she can do and no more.  Sigh!   I guess half a typist is better than no typist - right?

We suggest following my blog via email - then you will know when I have posted something.   Sorry we are not very dependable.

Love you all,


Sunday, July 12, 2015

What a week and Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Guess you can tell by the picture I got hauled off to the vet again.  M says my look says it all.   I not happy.

I was frowing up for about 2 days and M decided I must have a hairball stuck somewhere, so on Thursday M & D stuffed me into the PTU, shoved me in the car, and off we went to the vet.  M and  D do give me hairball stuff to take, but it was not doing the job this time because M does not give me enough of it.

Pals, it was horrible this time cuz the man vet poked me with a needle and stole my blood, then he poked me with another needle full of stuff to calm my tummy.  It was pawful.  (Now Mario - It wasn't that bad.  They are so good with you there and gentle - it wasn't that bad - you didn't even sing the song of your people.  Remember, the vet even said "Mario is such laid-back kitty - he is a pleasure to have come in.")

The vet also told M to  wait 5 hours after I have frown up before she should feed me again.   She was feeding me about 1 hour after frowning up.  Now no matter how much I plead with her, she should not give in.  

My selfie this week is me looking up  at M pleading for food cuz I'm starving.   Don't you feel sorry for me?

I'm joining TheCatOnMyHead's Blog Hop today.   We will try to get around to all of you.   Thanks to TheCatOnMyHead kitties for hosting this blog hop every Sunday. 

My tummy did clear up and I'm back to normal again.   I sure hope I don't have to go back again.  (But Mario - they like you there.  You know everyone makes a big fuss over you, talks to you, and loves seeing you.)  If you are new to our area and need a good vet clinic, I highly recommend the The Animal Hospital of Ashwaubenon  M said all of her kitties for the 40+ years they have lived here have been taken there, and we have never been unhappy. 

By the way, my tummy cleared up and I stopped frowing up.
