Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Sleep Over - Part Two, Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Well pals in my last post I promised to tell you what happened the next day after my sleep over.   Sisfur called M in the late morning and said we three cats had gotten along so well that she was thinking it would be good to bring her two kitties to our house to see how they would do.   I am a senior kitty and have ruled here for 8 years.   M agreed.   Sisfur & SIL catnapped me again and stuffed me into my PTU, then rounded up Tanner and Tucker and stuffed them in their PTU's. Off we went to my house with 3 singing kitties in their smaller car.  We were all singing the song of our people.  

Once home, M opened up my PTU so I could be first out.  I sniffed at Tanner and Tucker and then went to my own litter box downstairs.    Tanner and Tucker took off in different directions once they had their doors opened because they wanted to explore the house.  Tucker went into the living room, and Tanner ran back to a bedroom to crawl under a bed.   I eventually followed Tanner back to the bedroom and promptly sat in the doorway waiting for him to come out from under the bed.  M said I was stalking him!!!  Sisfur or SIL were always nearby just in case I decided I didn't like them in my house.  

As you can see in the next picture, Tucker  came downstairs by the humans and made himself comfortable in a chair.   I joined the humans downstairs about 15 minutes later, but no one thought to take a picture of me trying to get up on the chair with Tucker already there.  M thinks I might have wanted to play pawsies with him!!  

HELP - Tucker's picture came to us sideways in an email from SIL.  M put it in her picture manager, rotated it, and cropped it so Tucker and the chair were upright.   But, the minute we tried to post the picture on Blogger, it appeared sideways again.   M rotated it 3 different times in a picture manager and can't get it to be upright when she posts it in Blogger.  It appears upright in her files.  hisssss!  Any suggestions?

The Indulged Furries came up with the solution and it worked.  The picture is now upright.  Thank you so much to everyone who tried to help.  I did try all of the suggestions, but the Indulged Furries had the winning solution.  Thanks pals.  

They stayed at our house for almost 3 hours while our peeps watched a Packer Football game.   I thought I overheard Sisfur say something to M that they would probably bring them back for a weekend visit one day soon - after Christmas.  Not sure how I feel about that.   I would kinda like to get to know them better, but at the same time, I don't want to share things like lap time, toys, food.   Stay tuned for the next visit - whenever it happens.

I'm using the picture above as my selfie with the understanding that my humans had to take it.  It's hard to do a selfie when you are in kitty jail!    I'm joining the blog hop posted by A Cat On My Head.  We really appreciate their hosting this hop every Sunday - you rock pals. 

I'll be posting again in a couple of days with my Christmas Greetings.   Thanks for reading this ongoing saga pals.



Marg said...

Well it sounds like you were a nice host Mario. Glad you and the kittens get along and what a good idea to let all of you get used to each other. That is weird about the picture being sideways.

Peaches and Paprika said...

Heck of an adventure here, Mario! Good luck with the next installment...

The Florida Furkids said...

How nice that you're all getting along. We don't have any advice about the picture. That happens to us on Facebook sometimes. For us it only happens with a cell phone picture.

The Florida Furkids

CATachresis said...

Exciting times, Mario! Exciting times!!!

Katie Isabella said...

Mario, I love your sense of humor and I mean that with all my Tuxie heart! You always make me and mommy meow and smile! Great telling of what all happened. And I will be watching to see if anyone can help you and M with the sideways picture problem. I can't imagine what on earth must be happening to make it go back to its original sideways position. XXooXX You look mighty handsome there behind bars!

Annie Bear said...

What an adventure, Mario! You sure a good kitty to be so welcoming to Tanner and Tucker in your home. I wish I had a suggestion about the picture. It's still a cute shot of Tucker.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all reaaly seem to be doing good Mario!


Mario you had a nice visit with your Cousins! That is great!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Mario, from the first day I met you, you have ALWAYS welcomed other kitties on Twitter, it is no surprise to me that you are being so WELCOMING to kitties in your home!
YOU are the PURRFECT gentleman!
Other kitties could learn a lot from you!
Proud of you pal!
Love, Cody

Anonymous said...

How nice, that the visiting is going so well. Have you tried rebooting and starting from scratch, with the photo? This is a puzzling one.

Little Miss Titch said...

go into your google photo's and you should be able to rotate there by editing it there,xx Speedy

Furries said...

It was nice of you to be such a good host to the kitties in your house.

Try grabbing this photo of Tucker to see is it stays right-side-up for you.
just copy and paste this into your browser and then you can save it to your computer (right click the image and "save image as..."

Your photo software may be rotating the image just for viewing. This one should be permanently rotated.

Summer at said...

That's pretty awesome that you had visitors and it all went well! I'm not sure Binga or Boodie would have done as good under the same circumstances!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sounds like you are being a good host, Mario.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

It's good to see you beinhg sociable Mario, at least you didn't yell (OK singing doesn't count!)

When Our older cats joined the family no-one got mad at them, thry were accepted by the fmily. Harvey (11) Nemo (unknown but much loved RIP) and now Dusty (14) They get on fine with everyone. Cats can be good to each other :-)

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Sounds like the adventure of other kitties in your house wasn't sooo bad... I hope they get to visit again soon. Nice to haz visitors even if we dont wants to share toys...

Lil Bear,
who doesn't like sharing the water bowl or boxes,
but will when Mommie says so.

LP said...

Mario, it is always a challenge to share but some times, when you get to know someone, being able to eventually cuddle can be well worth it! :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

They accused you of stalking? MOUSES!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Sounds like things are going well!

pilch92 said...

You are a sweetie. I am sure you will all end up being very close friends.

The Island Cats said...

It sounds like things are going well with you and Tucker and Tanner. You are the purrfect host!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Both days seem scarey. We hope it all works out OK!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We think we see a trio of kitties in the future! We are not nearly as easy going...MOL!
Angle Kitty Suki even hissed meowmy fur bringing in a new brofur...and do not let us discuss the dog-guy...

As the World Purrs said...

I can't believe they thought you were stalking! You were just being a good host!


Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

It's nice that you want to get to know them better.

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Mario, we think you are a really cool cat! We can imagine the hell that would have broken loose here if any "other" cat had tried to come over for even a few hours...

The Chans

Anonymous said...

I think I can use some tolerancy from you, Mario. You are to furriendly :D Pawkisses for a wonderful Christmastime :) <3

Anonymous said...

OMC Mario, a whole weekend? Me wuld let them know right up front, laps are off limits ifin me wanted them and so was da bed. Sissy sez let 'em know which plate is your, and dat's all of them. MOL Can't wait to hear da rest of da story. Have a wunnerful Christmas.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Clooney said...

You are such a good guy Mario...we are glad both the visits went so well!