Sunday, January 4, 2015

Life Is Good Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

I had to have a little help from M in taking this selfie as I was....ah....busy at the time.

M says we really need to get more pictures of me upright instead of all sleeping.   I say, sleeping is what I do best.   Don't ruin a good thing M.

Stay warm pals - it's going to be -35 wind chills for us most of this coming week.   Sure am happy I'm an indoor kitty.

I'm joining ACatOnMyHead's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop
Go over and check out their site, it's full of cute kitty pictures too.   Then check out the other pals that have joined this hop.   Then, considering joining yourself - it's fun.  


Angel Simba said...

That really sounds very very very cold. We are having a warm rainy day today, then the temps will drop, but not as low as yours.


Mario that's cold. I mean really cold. I'm so glad you are a warm and safe indoor kitty too!!

Ingrid said...

It's very hard to get photos from a non sleeping cat ! lol !

Kitties Blue said...

OMC...that is too dang cold. We think you should lobby for a heated bed. Have a happy snoozy. Thanks for joining and promoting our blog hop. XOCK, Kitties Blue

Marg said...

Mario, that is a great selfie, even if the Mom did help you. It is supposed to get really cold down here this week too. Not looking forward to that at all. Take care.

LP said...

Brrrrrrrr!!! That is really chilly! We are happy you have a cosy , warm, indoor spot to curl up in Mario! :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Furries said...

Brrrr! Stay cuddled up and warm Mario.

Annie Bear said...

I'm always sleeping too. Isn't it great? I think you look great in your selfie. It's going to be cold here too this week. Yes, being an indoor kitty is always best. Have a great day!


P.s. I love your banner photo.

Unknown said...

Love your selfie we have the same weather so you are doing the best you can with it by sleeping. Love Rhette

Unknown said...

I have also had "I only have photos of the pets sleeping" realizations! It's not only what they do a lot, but sometimes when they are most super cute- like these curled up selfies! Thanks for hopping by my blog today. It is very nice "meeting" you indeed. Stay warm and cozy!

Katie Isabella said...

You look so busy and so handsome too I might add. Hubba Hubba!

Summer at said...

Since I'm still a kitten, my human has the opposite problem - getting me to stay still long enough for photos that aren't blurry! Stay warm - yes, being an indoor kitty is a very good thing when the weather gets that cold!

The Swiss Cats said...

That's really cold ! Stay warm and safe ! Purrs

CATachresis said...

Mario, buddy, it's cold here, but not THAT cold!!! Stay warm! You look very content there :)

Ranger said...


Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Glad to see you enjoying your Sunday snoozy. Yup, we're going from 60 to 10 this week! Brrrrr

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Stay warm! You sure look cozy :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is a great selfie Mario!!!! Hey, keep olenty warm pal, that's too darn cold.

Unknown said...

Yous looks marvelous darling! And mes thinks that Sleeping is what mes does best too!

The Island Cats said...

Mario, curling up tight is one way to stay warm and cozy. We're gonna follow your lead.

Katnip Lounge said...

You certainly ARE busy! Cat Busy.
hee hee hee...

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

We think you look cute sleeping!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Mr Puddy said...

Totally do agree with Gattina :)
Mario, if your mom need different action, probably she has to offer Cat Treats :)

PS : thanks soo much for purring for me & my grandpa

Kwee Cats and Art said...

That is a great selfie, Mario! We are thinking we may need a little help with ours too. We keep getting selfies of just our ears and tails.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That was a real good selfie!

Anonymous said...

A selfie is supposed to be just that...a photo of you being yourself...looks like you are spot on Mario

Cathy Keisha said...

When you look so cute sleeping, why take other photos.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Lookin' good Mario! Guess what? We have the EXACT SAME couch cover! Isn't it nice and comfy? Super cold here in Michigan too, stay all snuggly and warm! Love, Cody

Marty the Manx said...

Mario we have all been busy like you at our house too! This weather is for the polar bears! Hope you and your Mom have a great 2015!!!
Marty and the Gang

Ivan from WMD said...

Eeek! I'm glad you're an indoor cat too!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Thank dogness you has that indoor litter box. Me, I has to go to the great outdoors and freeze my tail off! Your cold airs be arriving at my house tonite. :(

Anonymous said...

Hey why mess wiff purrfection handsum. :)

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Christy Paws said...

Holy cat, Mario, that is too cold. I am sooo glad you are an indoor kitty!

Donna said...

Please stay warm. :)