Sunday, July 12, 2015

What a week and Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Guess you can tell by the picture I got hauled off to the vet again.  M says my look says it all.   I not happy.

I was frowing up for about 2 days and M decided I must have a hairball stuck somewhere, so on Thursday M & D stuffed me into the PTU, shoved me in the car, and off we went to the vet.  M and  D do give me hairball stuff to take, but it was not doing the job this time because M does not give me enough of it.

Pals, it was horrible this time cuz the man vet poked me with a needle and stole my blood, then he poked me with another needle full of stuff to calm my tummy.  It was pawful.  (Now Mario - It wasn't that bad.  They are so good with you there and gentle - it wasn't that bad - you didn't even sing the song of your people.  Remember, the vet even said "Mario is such laid-back kitty - he is a pleasure to have come in.")

The vet also told M to  wait 5 hours after I have frown up before she should feed me again.   She was feeding me about 1 hour after frowning up.  Now no matter how much I plead with her, she should not give in.  

My selfie this week is me looking up  at M pleading for food cuz I'm starving.   Don't you feel sorry for me?

I'm joining TheCatOnMyHead's Blog Hop today.   We will try to get around to all of you.   Thanks to TheCatOnMyHead kitties for hosting this blog hop every Sunday. 

My tummy did clear up and I'm back to normal again.   I sure hope I don't have to go back again.  (But Mario - they like you there.  You know everyone makes a big fuss over you, talks to you, and loves seeing you.)  If you are new to our area and need a good vet clinic, I highly recommend the The Animal Hospital of Ashwaubenon  M said all of her kitties for the 40+ years they have lived here have been taken there, and we have never been unhappy. 

By the way, my tummy cleared up and I stopped frowing up.




CATachresis said...

So glad you are ok, Mario!! It's horrible going to the stabby place!! xx

Katie Isabella said...

OH Mario, I am having to listen to mommy go on and on and ON and on and ON & ON & ON about how absolutely PRECIOUS and pitiful it is to see that earnest pleading face asking for fuds! How in the world you don't weight 25 pounds is beyond me! And her! She could never ever resist that dear face with those huge eyes asking for food. Oh how sweet you look. I know mom said she hasn't seen that sweet face looking up like that at your food dish. Oh, you need to get into the tunnel and get over here immediately. <3

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We all feel very sorry for you. Poor Socks was gagging and had to go to the vet. He had to take TWO pills forever. And then Scylla got hauled off to the vet for her annual shots. We are all better now and hope the vet visits are finished for awhile. Mommy can go gossip with them by herself as long as she comes back with foods and treats, which is the only thing we likes there.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

We're glad your tummy is feeling better, Mario. Hairballs are horrible. Oh, and making you wait like that for food is abuse for sure. Especially with a cute face like that.

Annie Bear said...

Mario, you are too cute for words in that pleading, adorable selfie. I'm so glad you're feeling better.It's so nice that you have such a wonderful vet.

Marg said...

Mario, we are sorry that you had to go to the vet but so glad you are feeling better now. Now you all have a fantastic day.

The Daily Pip said...

Glad you are feeling better! Going to the vet is no fun!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes, that face says it all Mario! You need to stash aways some goodies for times like this pal.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Wow Mario pal, I DO feel sorry for you! That face is pitiful pal!!!!! Happy you are feeling better though! You and I are pretty cool at the vet aren't we? My vet says that like you, I am one of the best cats that they have come in! I don't love it there but I never act up. Well done pal! Love, Cody

pilch92 said...

I am glad that you are feeling better. I do feel bad you had to go to the vet. I hope your blood work was OK too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad you are feeling better again. I always sing the songs of my people when I have to go to the stabby place. Mum says when I went the other day I outdid myself and screamed my songs all the way there and all the way home again. She thinks the whole world could hear me.


Oh Mario we did feel very sorry for you.
We know going to the Vet means something being taken from us!
WE are so so so glad you're feeling ALL better.

Summer at said...

I am so glad you're feeling better, Mario!

LP said...

We are glad you are feeling better Mario! You do look a little gaunt in that photo...hopefully you were fed a heaping bowl of food... ;p

the critters in the cottage xo

Anonymous said...

OMC! What a pawful experience. I'm so glad you feel better. I hope you don't have to go back any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Granny would give in after a minute, Mario. Who can resist those interrogative eyes :D We're glad you're okay. Going to the vet is so annoying :D Pawkisses :) <3

The Swiss Cats said...

We're sorry for the trip to the vet, but we're glad you feel better. Your mom can resist those eyes ? Really ? Purrs

Squeedunk Cats and Z-Girl said...

Wow, so glad you are okay! Those vet visits are never fun! When Valentina goes in they all talk about how cute she is but that does nothing to encourage her to return.
Hang in there and keep us posted...hoping you got some good treats once the no feeding ban was lifted!

AnnStaub said...

Aw poor you Mario! You totally do NOT look happy! But glad that you are doing OK and hope your hairball problem doesn't come back.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hairballs are the worst. SO happy you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mario weez so sowry yous had to go to da VET. But weez pawful glad yous feelin' better. Yous look quite handsum altho' stawrvin'. Have a blest day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Lone Star Cats said...

Glad your tummy are feelin better!

Unknown said...

We are glad you are so much better. There is nothing worse than frowning up!! Your selfie so sweet - it would be hard to turn you down!

Cathy Keisha said...

I think vets just like our peeps’ money. heh heh. Glad you are feeling better. Did you ever get fed? If not, come over here and TW will feed you.

Furries said...

Mario, you do look like it's been Hours since your last meal. Sounds like we have similar hairball issues. I made lots of barfy noises last night, but nothing ever came up. Mom is waiting for me to produce a hairball. And I'm really mellow at the vet too....because I'm hoping that if I'm really quiet and calm, they'll get things over with quickly and I'll get to go home!

The Island Cats said...

Mario, with that face, we don't know how M could hold out and not feed you. We're glad your tummy is better and you stopped throwing up.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh BAST, a Selfie in a PTU! We hope things feels better real quick.

Angel Simba said...

Now that is a perfect pleading selfie, Mario. So sorry about your tummy and the vet visit. But they really ARE trying to help.

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Awww, we do feel sorry for you, Mario! Sorry to hear you've been sick, but we are glad you are al better now!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

We are sorry that you had to endure the vet but we are so glad you are well again!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Kitties Blue said...

The best part of this ordeal is that you are now all better, Mario! And what a great thing to have a super vet that your humans trust. Our humans have been using the same vet for over 25 years and we all likes them bunches. Your selfie is absolutely meowvolous! Thanks for joining us this weekend. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

When the cat is away said...

I'm so glad to read that you're feeling better! My girls are feeling sorry for you that you had to meet the awful vet, but I'm glad that your Mom has a clinic she can trust.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We bet if you posted a selfie right now, it would look happier...glad you are feeling so much better:)

But the selfie you did post is furry cute, though...

Vanessa Morgan said...

What a pretty cat.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

OH MARIO!! Your selfie made us laugh - you poor pleading little guy :-) BUT Mum has to do what Mum has to do or it's another trip to the vet!!

She will have a job rfuing that pleading it depends how tired she is of you being sick!!

Donna said...

I hope u feel more gooder, with no sickies.


Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

Deb Barnes said...

Oh gosh... that picture... you are melting our hearts Mario! Someone please feed that cat!! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties!

Team Tabby said...

Glad you are feeling better Mario.


The J-Cats said...

Oh, Mario, you poor kitty! Looking at the picture of you with those pleading eyes, we can see at a glance you haven't been fed for at least half an hour!! How cruelly you are being treated!

Trixie threw up yesterday. Mummy gives Us all Laxi-Stat to prevent hairballs, but Trixie doesn't like it. We boys LOVE it. We think Trixie must be the only kitty in the world who doesn't! Go figure!!!

Fur Everywhere said...

Poor Mario!! We are so sorry you had to get stuck TWICE!! We are so happy though that you are feeling better, and we hope you don't get anymore icky hairballs stuck anytime soon.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me too is late late late visiting all my furiends :(
Sure hope you don´t have to go to the vet anytime soon even if they are very nice there.