Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

From Our House to Your House

We Wish you a 

Merry Christmas 2015

It doesn't seem like Christmas as there is no snow on the ground.   But the peeps are thankful for that cuz they always worry about driving in it over the holidays when humans are traveling.   So it should be safe travels for us as we go to sisfur and Sil's house Christmas Eve.

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends, both local and on line through Twitter, The Blogosphere, and Face Book.  We are thankful for each and every one of you.

We hope you have a joyous holiday period and a healthy, Happy New Year.  If you did not get a Christmas Card from us, take a copy of the one from my blog.   

Our Christmas Card was designed by Ann Adamus of Zoolatry.   She does outstanding work, so if you are in the market for any graphics, just contact her at:  http://zoolatry.blogspot.com/

Merry Christmas everyone.

Mr. D, M, and Mariodacat

PS - We want to thank everyone for their cards - ecards & snail mail cards alike.   We loved each one of them.  In fact, we always save them until the next year.  Loved all the pictures too.  M wanted to put the ecards up in the blog in a tab, but she can't sit long enough at one time to get it done.  Maybe it will be a good project for Christmas Day when we are home alone.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Sleep Over - Part Two, Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Well pals in my last post I promised to tell you what happened the next day after my sleep over.   Sisfur called M in the late morning and said we three cats had gotten along so well that she was thinking it would be good to bring her two kitties to our house to see how they would do.   I am a senior kitty and have ruled here for 8 years.   M agreed.   Sisfur & SIL catnapped me again and stuffed me into my PTU, then rounded up Tanner and Tucker and stuffed them in their PTU's. Off we went to my house with 3 singing kitties in their smaller car.  We were all singing the song of our people.  

Once home, M opened up my PTU so I could be first out.  I sniffed at Tanner and Tucker and then went to my own litter box downstairs.    Tanner and Tucker took off in different directions once they had their doors opened because they wanted to explore the house.  Tucker went into the living room, and Tanner ran back to a bedroom to crawl under a bed.   I eventually followed Tanner back to the bedroom and promptly sat in the doorway waiting for him to come out from under the bed.  M said I was stalking him!!!  Sisfur or SIL were always nearby just in case I decided I didn't like them in my house.  

As you can see in the next picture, Tucker  came downstairs by the humans and made himself comfortable in a chair.   I joined the humans downstairs about 15 minutes later, but no one thought to take a picture of me trying to get up on the chair with Tucker already there.  M thinks I might have wanted to play pawsies with him!!  

HELP - Tucker's picture came to us sideways in an email from SIL.  M put it in her picture manager, rotated it, and cropped it so Tucker and the chair were upright.   But, the minute we tried to post the picture on Blogger, it appeared sideways again.   M rotated it 3 different times in a picture manager and can't get it to be upright when she posts it in Blogger.  It appears upright in her files.  hisssss!  Any suggestions?

The Indulged Furries came up with the solution and it worked.  The picture is now upright.  Thank you so much to everyone who tried to help.  I did try all of the suggestions, but the Indulged Furries had the winning solution.  Thanks pals.  

They stayed at our house for almost 3 hours while our peeps watched a Packer Football game.   I thought I overheard Sisfur say something to M that they would probably bring them back for a weekend visit one day soon - after Christmas.  Not sure how I feel about that.   I would kinda like to get to know them better, but at the same time, I don't want to share things like lap time, toys, food.   Stay tuned for the next visit - whenever it happens.

I'm using the picture above as my selfie with the understanding that my humans had to take it.  It's hard to do a selfie when you are in kitty jail!    I'm joining the blog hop posted by A Cat On My Head.  We really appreciate their hosting this hop every Sunday - you rock pals. 

I'll be posting again in a couple of days with my Christmas Greetings.   Thanks for reading this ongoing saga pals.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Sleep Over - Really! Part 1

Hi Pals,

On Caturday afternoon I  was peacefully taking my nap when Sisfur and SIL showed up at the door, with M and D who had been out for lunch.     The next thing I remember was being stuffed in the PTU and dashed out the door.  W H A T if going on?

Sisfur got in the back seat with me, which I appreciated, cuz M always sits with me.  I voiced my opinion to sisfur about being catnapped during the 35 minute car ride to their house.  I had no idea where I was going!   pfffft!

We finally arrived at Sisfur's & SIL's house.  Those same  two young kitties again just sat on the floor staring at me.  Really -  don't they have anything better to do than watch me explore the house again.

Sorry we don't have any pictures of the event, but Sisfur and  SIL had work to do in addition to snoopervising us kitties, so they didn't take any.  But Sisfur reported to M & D that the overnight visit was uneventful with their two kitties just doing their own thing and totally ignoring me.   No one had to be locked up in any room alone.

All in all, sisfur felt the visit went very well and that if I had to go live with them some day, it probably would work out.

Now wait until you hear what happened next.   Stay tuned for Part I of this adventure this weekend.
