Sunday, June 25, 2017

Guess I Showed Her and Selfie Blog Hop

Hey Pals,

I won this battle - The battle of the bed at nap time!    M lays down on the bed for a half hour a few times a day to rest her back - or so she says.  Anyway she leaves a nice sized impression in the mattress, which makes me want to curl up in the middle of it for a nap.   But she doesn't want me to nap there so the space is available for her when she wants it!   NOT FAIR, I say!

This morning she thought she would fool me so I could not lay down on the bed where she naps.  Well, I showed her!!!   See how she has "stuff' piled around the area she thought I'd nap in!   Well, I found another cozy spot.  he he   So who won this battle?   Me, of course!   She's not smart enough to outsmart this old boy!!!

I'm also displaying my "selfie" picture and linking up with "The Cat On My Head's"  Selfie Blog Hop today.    It's been awhile since I've been able to participate.  Here's my entry for the selfie:

I don't even remember what I was scowling about, but it must have been something big cuz I sure don't look happy.    I probably wanted M's attention and she wanted to finish what she was doing on the puter.  Or I didn't want my picture taken.  She should listen to me and only me - right?

The Kitties Blue over at "The Cat On My Head" always have a fun blog hop, so join in on the fun.   

Until next time,



Erin the Cat Princess said...

Too right, there is no way a human can outsmart a cat at the 'napping in a primo spot' game. Glad you made your peep work for it too MOL. Anyways that sure is a 'LOOK' you have this week for the selfies. I'm guessing whatever it was for or about, you got your way?!
Purrs, ERin

Marg said...

Mario, you outsmarted that Mom and found napping place. Good job. Love your look in the selfie. You all have a most wonderful Sunday.

Little Miss Titch said...

Well done on out foxing your mummy,xx Speedy

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good job on getting the primo napping spot Mario and your selfie is darn good pal!

The Menagerie Mom said...

Aren't humans just so silly sometimes, Mario? They think they can tell kitties where they can and can't snooze, and they stare at computer screens all day long. Silly, silly, silly. Well, all that being said, you are downright adorable, Mario, and your selfie is stunning!

Katie Isabella said...

Mario, us exchanging ideas and experiences is paying off for us both! Neither mommy can keep that one step ahead of us. We have it ALL covered! You look broodingly handsome in your selfie. *smoochies*

Anonymous said...

Mario it's great to see you my friend! I don't know why our humans insist on hogging all the best sleeping spots for themselves but you managed to "slip right in there" to a close second spot didn't you! Hee Hee....well done. Your selfie definitely as a slight "back off!" kind of feel to it - obviously you aren't totally PLEASED with something. Hope all is well by now though!

Hugs, Teddy (and Angel Sammy)

The Swiss Cats said...

Well done, Mario ! Beautiful selfie ! Purrs

pilch92 said...

You do look a little grumpy Mario, but that is understandable being how badly you are treated. Just kidding, you have it pretty good. :) XO

Summer at said...

Mario, your selfie and your napping spot are totally in the spirit of Cat World Domination Day!

pam said...

I love how you outsmarted her on the napping place!

The Florida Furkids said...

Good job and nice selfie!!!

The Florida Furkids

Furries said...

Mario, your scowl is dramatic. Your mom certainly got the hint that you were not amused.
I'm surprised after all these years that she tried to stake out her spot on the bed. Doesn't she know that's just WRONG?!

Anonymous said...

Mee-you Mario Da Kat that iss sum scowl...mew mew mew....
Mee has outwitted LadyMum many times about sleepin arrangmintss. Shee gave inn an mee can sleep where mee sumtimess shee iss squished inn beeside mee on thee bed!
Shee said sumfin about 'pickin her battullss'????
Fankss fur stoppin bye today.
Sinseerlee, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^= said...

Silly human thinking she could outfox you! You showed her!!


Awake or asleep you are so handsome Mario!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Great job showed her for SURE!!
Arty & Jakey
PeeEss...Thanks for stopping by our blog today!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Us kitties always manage to outsmart our humans, don't we? --Mudpie

The Island Cats said...

MOL! Good one, Mario! She can't outsmart you. Nice selfie...even with the scowl.

Photo Cache said...

Mario you did put one over M here. You da man.

Emma and Buster

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Mario I am SUPER PROUD of you! Well done! Love from your pal, Cody

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Great selfie! Glad you won :)

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Terrific Selfie, Mario and you are just to smart for your mom😹Pawkisses for a happy week😽❤😻

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...purr haps ya had one two manee bowlz oh crankee azz cat chow; that happenz heer all de time :) :) ☺☺♥♥ yur selfeez still awesum ~~~~~~

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Maybe you were scowling about the bed not being available to you!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Ha! I love that scowly selfie, Mario! Maybe you were watching another attempt at barricading you from a prime napping spot on the bed?

Purrs from Pipo

Katie Isabella said...

Mario...Thank you. I will be there first, spend the week (we can sleep UTB OR in the closet on the blankie. And I like what's on the menu at your place. After I get back from my trip when I leave should come and stay with me for a month or so. We will tear this place UP! XXXX

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Wow you look stern! We had better behave here!!

Happy (late) Sunday!!!!

meowmeowmans said...

Ha ha. The humans always try to outsmart us cats, but to no avail. Great job, Mario! :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Our waterbed never leaves good impressions like that. But it IS heated an that makes up fer a lot.