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@Cheriswan |
Hi Pals,
We has a serious issue to talk about today. Did you ever notice how some pals are always right there when help is needed? They are the first to jump right in and get the rest of us moving on providing help for an anipal or pal. They always have that "can do" spirit and don't give up no matter what happens or what bridges have to be crossed.
Well, dat pal is @Cheriswan. Cheri is the first one who plunged right in to trying to save Call Me Graham when Graham was turned in to the Bay Area Humane Society's shelter in Green Bay because her first ooman thought she was faral and couldn't keep her any longer. Cheri didn't give up on trying to save Graham and find a new home for her. We all remember that story and the happy ending it has. Of course Graham isn't the only kitty she has helped. She has been right there for so many in the past 3 years I've been on Twitter.
Now Cheri's oomans desperately need our help. Cheri's ooman father has some very serious stomach issues (Chron's Disease for one), and needs to have some serious stomach surgery soon. He is a disabled veteran and will have to have this surgery in a VA hospital in San Francisco - a long way away from their home in the mountains of northern California - like 300+ miles from home in mountain driving.
Cheri's ooman mom lost her job (just like half the world) and only picks up free lance type of work when she can get it. She is the sole caretaker of Cheri's ooman dad. They have no money for hotels and/or food so dat Cheri's ooman mom can afford to go to San Francisco to be with Cheri's dad when he has that surgery, and she desperately wants to be there and should be there. Their savings has been eaten away due to being dragged into court by a neighbor who thinks their sweet doggie is mean and might want to harm them. They lost the court case and now have to pay half of the court fees of the neighbor, plus their own attorney fees - they have even had to sell one car to put towards this huge bill. Their full story is written up in the Chip-In home page if you wish to read it. http://mariodacat.chipin.com/cheriswan.
Some of my Twitter pals suggested we do a Chip-in to raise some money so Cheri's mom could at least go to San Francisco and spend 3 nights there to be with Cheri's dad until he's in stable condition. She thinks she can do a motel/hotel and have a little money for food and maybe gas expenses for $500. (M thinks she should allow more quite frankly, but we'll start with $500, which would be bare minimum - hotels/motels are not cheap in big cities).
Cheri's mom was very reluctant to ask for this help (so typical of those who help the most) as she'd rather "help" than "be helped." So many oomans are out of work these days and also have no money. The last thing Cheri's mom wants is for someone to feel like they have to give to her when they have nothing themselves. (So typical of Cheriswan's mom to think of "others" before herself.)
So, if you have a little spare change and want to help Cheriswan's mom out, it will be greatly appreciated and she and I will be forever grateful. The chip-in is in the side bar on this bloggy.
M Said she'll keep Cheri and her husband in her prayers, and I'm going to do some serious purring for his surgery too. We just know this will have a happy ending too.
Thanks Pals,
Though we don't know Cheri and family, our hearts go out to them.
We wonder if somebody living closer to, or in, San Francisco, might be willing to help out with a place for the Mom to sleep.
Mario I am so glad that Cheri decided to do this, I know that she always helping everybody, I told her when she asked me that she should take this help, because she always helps others, time for her to allow others to help her. I will be purring for hubby surgery they has been thru so so much. Ty Mario for doing this
xoxooxox love to all
Absolutely! Let us know where we can contribute. If 50 people give $10 we reach our goal!
Also Cheri should contact her county's veterans' association. Every county has one. Call courthouse. They may have funds to help. Even a little bit. When she makes hotel res she should ask hospital if they recommend any hotel or have agreement w any hotel for shirt stays
By relatives of vets. And she should mention that to hotel too maybe get discount!!!Keep us posted. We will help.
Thank you for helping Cheri and family - this situation is so sad yet more and more common. Count us in.
Thanks for doing this Mario, we gave a few green papers too and we are sending lots of purrs and prayers.
Mom is so grateful for all of our anipal friends and that they give so freely of themselves. We are overwhelmed by evereyones generosity.
The hospital gave us a list of motels offering "discounts" for family members and the cheapest one we found is around $100 (including hotel tax) and 20 minutes from the hospital in SF. I will definitely look into the ideas NikePurrfectCat suggests & call the VFW & state Vet's admin. I've also called the Patient Services Rep. but there is only limited support for caregivers.
I'm so fortunate to have such great friends and count my blessings when I start to feel overwhelmed. A big thank you to everyone :)
Altho we'd love to contribute cos we love Cheriswan, we can only offer suggestions. Maybe she can look into a Bed & Breakfast since they're much cheaper than hotels. TW stayed in one last time she was in Boston. We wish Dad a speedy recovery. God never gives us more than we can handle. xoxo
It is so wonderful when all the animal people pitch in and help. We just don't have any green papers here right now. Magnolia is sick so back to the vet. But we think what you do is so great Mario. Take care.
Mario thank you so much for letting us know. Cheri is such a good kind soul, off to help THEM fur a change!!!
Abi and Madi
It's so nice of you, Mario
But my family have some other issues to deal with the green paper, But I do purrs hard for her and her family
I hope that it all works out well for them.
Nubbin wiggles,
Mario, how nice that everybuddy is pitching in either with green papers or ideas for cheriswan! We'll see if our mom can spare a few green papers to help too.
I'm sending purrs and love. Gotta talk to the girl about green papers.
Mum an I just gave Mario! Mum made a sale on Etsy and so we could Wwhooo!!
Sounds like it is very difficult time... It's just a little but I chipped in. I hope it'll help. And I am hoping the surgery will go well.
Sending purry thoughts of good.
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