Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Birdie TV Channel

Hi Pals,

"Every morning I have birdies in for breakfast - I even invite them to come in the house.   They are so close -  dang patio door just gets in the way of my having a good brekkie!"

"Should it be a  BarBeQue or just Roasted under glass?"

 "Dang - I just can't get him.  Come in little friend - come in.  I share a meal off  errrrr with you."

I am so thankful for my birdies.   And one of these days...........................

Now join the  Thankful Thursday Blog Hop hosted by @PepiSmartDog.



Sushi said...

Mario, you are too funny. I hope you get to catch a birdie soon foy a yummy brekkie. Ooohh... That would be so nice!

Jans Funny Farm said...

So close and yet so far away.

If you're having a heat wave in the 40s, we don't want to ask what your temps have been like. Brr.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

At this moment, it is Thankful Thursday for the birdies. One day, it would be Thankful Thursday for Mario (with regards to the birdies). :p

Unknown said...

We have our friends over all the time, too, except we have the window between us and our meal...err, guests!

Purrs from Bo and Mi

wildcatwoods said...

We know that close yet so far.

cats of wildcat woods

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Don't let those people from 48 Hrs see you! You will inspire a continuation of the cats killing birds series! Just kidding! Love you!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Ahah! Human won't open the door I guess...

Angel Prancer Pie said...

So close, yet so far away! Our Mommy won't let us play with the birdies, either. They look yummy!

Tamago said...

Bird TV is the best! I hope someday they break the window and get themselves into the house...and land on your plate. It can happen!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Bird-TV is so much fun Mario and you sure have a good channel!

meowmeowmans said...

That darned glass! We have the same problem here, Mario.

Marg said...

Oh Mario, those birds are just a big tease to you. Those norty birdies.But I bet is fun watching them. Hope you gave a great day. Tell Mom that Our Mom hasn't had time to do her story for her, darn it all. The auction is full time at the moment.Take care.

Beth said...

LOL Mario. Be kind to those little birdies.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Wow, a bird who comes to breakfast! Too bad there's that door between you, otherwise you could uh.. enjoy more of his company! MOL

JessieJaney said...

love that the birdies come to visit you daily dear Mario xxx's

Anonymous said...

This is adorable! Chloe Jo almost knocks herself out trying to "catch" chipmunks!

GizmoGeodog said...

They may not come in for breakfast but at least they show up for daily entertainment and that's something


Oh Mario we wish our birdies were so friendly!

Mollie said...

I snubbed my noze on the window the uffer day trying'z to get de berd'z.. MOL.. Have'z a wonderful'z Easter..Uz Blonde'z just popped by yo say..Howdy xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Anonymous said...

let me know if you can nibble one through the screen...I was wonderin' if that was pawssible

Summer at said...

The cat before me thought mourning doves were tasty - she caught a number of them.

A Tonk's Tail said...

Yummmmm! *licks lips* we agree!

The Island Cats said...

Mario, we get birdies on our front porch and we say the same of these days....

Prudence said...

We're sure those birdies are very thankful fur the patio window! Our kitties do love their birdy "tv channel" too! {{hugs}}

CATachresis said...

Mario, your patience is astounding!! One day, my friend, one day …. ;)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our #1 makes threatening noises as soon as we start to drool... But we have that same issue with glass.

The Chans

Katie said...

One day, Mario, we're sure of it! In the meantime, it's getting you more and more prepared for that day :-)

Piggy kisses,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Before the kittens came I feed the birds just outside the window beside my computer.
Now I don't do that any more b/c I decided one feeder out there was enough to care for. BUT I am sure the kittens would love to be able to watch the birds really close up instead of across the yard!!!

Deb Barnes said...

We don't see anything wrong with having a bird for lunch, err, inviting a bird over for lunch either!! Have a wonderful Easter weekend - purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang

Fur Everywhere said...

Those birdies do look mighty tasty...we wish you could have ated one!

Katie Isabella said...

Mario, I loves you. I really do. xoxoxoxo

Clooney said...

Mario, wow, that's fantastic bird TV for sure! I'z never been THAT close to birdies before. Happy Easter Mario, M, & D! Hope the Easter Bunny was good to you all!

Team Tabby said...

You have great bird TV, Mario! way, way closer than ours.


Marilia said...

Enjoy your birdie TV!!!!

View From My Pram said...

BOL! Those birds need a good talking to - they should just come in and sit on the sofa...Hee Hee!
Apple has a similar 'problem' with the ghekos - so close but so far.
Great post ! Thank you for joining Thankful Thursday again Mario and we always look forward to reading your posts. HUGS :=o)
*waves paw*

Timmy Tomcat said...

We want to get those feathered flyers too! Darn that Glass!