Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop - Animal Dentists

Hi pals,

Many of you already know the story of my toothies or lack of!!   That’s right - I has no toothies – NONE AT ALL!   They were all pulled out  about  8 months after I was adopted because of a bad tooth disease called Stomatitis.    M says that means I’m kind of allergic to my own toothies or tooth decay.   My toothie story can be found in a tab at the top of my bloggy,

I am very thankful to my lady vet for discovering the Stomatitis  and for suggesting to M and D that  they take me to an Animal Dentist.  Yup – you read it right – “Animal Dentist.    I might not be here today if it were not for my special lady vet suspecting the disease and then recommending that I go see an animal dentist.    They literally saved my life because if left untreated,  Stomatitis can cause many serious health issues like heart disease and can eventually kill you.      Talk about scary when we heard that news.

A Dentist is necessary because they have the more specialized equipment and X-ray machines.   My dentist said he had to clean out a couple of toothie chips still left in my mouth from when my regular vet pulled a toothie.   You see, regular vets try really hard and do the best they can, but quite often they leave fragments of teeth behind deep down in the gum line when they pull teeth.   Normally that would never cause a problem unless you are allergic to the remnants left behind.   It takes high-powered, equipment to see tiny toothie fragments left below the gum.  If you are allergic, even those tiny bits can cause problems for you leading to heart disease, and many other deadly diseases.  

So pals, if you or anyone you know is diagnosed with Stomatitis, please get to an animal dentist.   M talked to my dentist recently trying to help another pal.   There is now a web site listing all the Animal Dentists in the US and some foreign countries, published by the AmericanVeterinary  Dental College.  Check it out!

Don’t worry about no teeth, I’m doing just great without any and am very healthy now that we got all that stuff out of my mouth that I’m allergic to.    M says if anyone would like to discuss this with her, you can leave a comment in my bloggy and she’ll get back to you.  I’m also @Mariodacat on Twitter and in Facebook as Mario Roever.  So your humans can feel free to contact her anytime.   Please pals, just get to a Dentist if you have Stomatitis!

Hop on the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop hosted by @PepiSmartDog

Until next time,



Unknown said...

We didn't know you have no teeth! Our kitty has to go to the dentist soon :-(

Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Prudence said...

Terrific post buddy! We're very thankful that M & D take such good care of you! {{hugs}}

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

I'm pretty lucky to still have all my teeth 'cause my dad and my mama and my sister, Connie, had to have all of theirs out. Some kind of gum disease. Beatrice & I don't seem to have it though. purrs

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is good info Mario and we hope we never need it!

Beth said...

I am so glad that you are all right now Mario!

Marg said...

Mario, that is sure some good information. I checked and of course there aren't any animal dentists in S.C. We have a kitty, Orange Boyzo who had to have most of his teeth taken out and he does fine. They say he doesn't have stomatitis but just tooth decay. We sure are glad you are all right Mario.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Mommy didn't know about Stomatitis until she got to know you. Then she read all Part 1, 2 and 3 of your teeth journey.
Unfortunately, there are no animal dentists where we are and the nearest is in Japan, a 7 hour flight away.
Thank you for this post and for sharing about your journey.

HH and The Boys said...

great post...... And what useful information.

Have a great day.

hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

None of us kitties have had tooth troubles yet, and neither has Tommy, but our horsies see the equine dentist every year for a tune up!

The Chans

GLOGIRLY said...

SUCH good info, Mario.
Thank you for reminding us how important this is.
(((purrs and smooches)))

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Wonderful information Mario-- Thank you!!!! Thank God none so far have had any trouble with their teeth and Happy was 21 years old and her teeth were in pretty good shape too!! We will keep a look out for that tho!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad you're still here, even though toothless. You're still cute. :)

Unknown said...

Wow, neither Mom nor we ever heard of that disease. Thanks for sharing your experience. We know you saved lives by doing so. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


Tooths or no we all think you are one very handsome mancat Mario and we are so glad you are 100% recovered.


BeadedTail said...

We didn't know you didn't have teefs! I got a lot of mine pulled when I was about a year old so I only have a few left. I just swallow all my food and treats without chewing so all is okay since I get plenty to eat!


Summer at said...

I really hope none of us ever have stomatitis because the vet dentist is a long drive from us!

The Island Cats said...

That's great info, Mario. We need to take better care of our teefs.

Cathy Keisha said...

Great post. The CB recently lost a pet and Stomatitis was suspected. You do so much good. *smooch*

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Mario thank you for sharing this impawtant information! We knew about your toothies and we agree...thank goodness for the kitty dentists!

Anonymous said...

You are so right! Thank you for doing this very important post. I am so glad you got the necessary help and are okay now. I hope others are helped by your story. ~xo~

Anonymous said...

OMC! Mario! One of my former roomies at my former shelter had the same thing. SHe was just fine too. It is a disease Mom and Dad had never ever heard of. Lucky for them and all their before me kitties, none of them ever had that. And very good point about the difference between a reg. vet and a dental vet

George The Duck and the HotMBC Kittehs said...

We're glad you got to go to the Animal Dentist. *ducky hugs* George

Fur Everywhere said...

Mario, that sounds really painful and dangerous! We is so glad that your vet caught the condition and that the dentist was able to help yous so much!!

We is going to add the dentist site to our resource bloggie (carmine's orange pages). It is a great resource, and thanks to you, we now know about animal dentists :)

Deb Barnes said...

Wow... that sure is serious. Thank goodness you are okay and thank you for sharing this very important and informative post! Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang

Anonymous said...

It's remarkable how advanced veterinary medicine has become. Wouldn't be so long ago you'd just had to live with it best ya could.

Gigi said...

We is so happy that you gotted the treatment you needed to save your life and make you well! You sure look helfy and happy, Buddy!

meowmeowmans said...

Great advice, Mario. We are glad you are doing so well.

Sushi said...

Very informative, mario. But i hope i won't lose my toothies. That's scary! And animal dentist... On top of my 3 vets??? Yuck!

Gigi said...

Happy St. Paddy's Day, Mario! XOXOXO

Sushi said...

hi mario. Momma visited your M's blog. =)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Furry good information Mario !
My mom have been on a lecture about Cat´s tooth´s and they talked about Stomatatis there and said the same as you = furry important to go to a cat dentist !!
It was after that lecture my mom-person started to brush my toothies :)

marley said...

Pawsome advices my pal....would be good to show da linky on twitter for any pals wot do not read yer blog

View From My Pram said...

Mario you always have such good articles and your timely reminder of pals seeing an Animal Dentist is excellent.
What a great Ambassador you are for being on the ball about dental care: your like a Smile King !!! : )
Sorry my comment is late, but I'm here now. : =o)
Thank you for joining Thankful Thursday Blog Hop - always appreciate you joining our fun. Look forward to reading more of your posts.
*waves paw* :=o)