Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What Happened To S.O.P.?

Hi Pals,

It's SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that I'm allowed my two treats after supper.   Well, it's after supper and I want them now!!!!    I can't wait forever either cuz this sun is shinning right in my eyes.  Staff is certainly falling down on their job lately!  If I remember right, staff forgot to give them to me last night too.

Speaking of staff, M is running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (some old dumb saying that her mother used to say).   Why is she doing that - well it seems she is getting two toothies pulled early Thursday (tomorrow) morning.   Big baby, is very nervous about it and moaning something about what am I going to eat.  ha ha - as if she needed to eat anything.   She could live off of her fat for a year and not have to eat.   I had all my toothies pulled and didn't carry on like she is!!!  Humans!   

Hope you have your staff whipped into shape and they jump when you command something.   We cats rule - remember?

I'm joining Brian's Home Blog Hop.  We are grateful Brian has kept the blog hop up and running.   Hop on over and see Brian and his sisfurs - oh and new brovver!

Until next time,



Summer at said...

My human is awful! She never quite keeps to her schedule, no matter how much we cats nag her.

Furries said...

I hope you eventually got your treats. Humans can get very distracted. I hope your mom's teeth come out easily. Hmmm, my mom would eat mashed potatoes, rice, mashed potatoes, ice cream, and more mashed potatoes.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We hope you get your treats post haste!
And we send some calming POTP for your Mom. Hope her extractions go well.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

OMC running around like a chick without a head...that must be terrible, Mario. Will send Healing Pawkisses to your mom, hope the extractions heal will heal soon, so that she can eat properly :D <3

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor M. Yes, the Dentist sure makes the peeps all nervous Mario. I sure hope you get some treats. Hey, you are linked up to the hop just fine. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Herman and Dori said...

Don't be so hard on your mom, Mario. Sometimes when our moms get old they also get forgetful. I'm constantly reminding my old mom about how she needs to put my needs and whims first before her own--selfish of her to forget that S.O.P., but I guess that's our lot in life, Mario. We need to keep our hoomon's on their toes so we can enjoy naps in a good sunpuddle. Purrrs!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh no!! Your poor Mama!!! Tell her not to worry (but she is probably already there!) My Mom had a couple teeth pulled and she was a baby too, (she could also live off of her fat MOL!!), but Mom still ate and the procedure was fine!!! Now tell your Dad to give you those treats and love and (((hugs))) to your Mama (who is NOT fat!) xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

Sweet Purrfections said...

We're thinking about your mom and her teeth.

What are we going to do with the humans when they don't keep our priorities straight?

pilch92 said...

Clearly your lack of treats has made you hangry. I hope your Mom's teeth pulling goes well. XO

Katie Isabella said...

Mario! YOU are first. Then you can have the strength to worry about M. Right? Right? xxxx

Anonymous said...

Oh Mario, sometimes our mommies can really be xomethin', can't they? Mommy recently had to have 6 teethies cut out. Fur 2 weeks all she could eat was smashed taters and Malt O Meal warm cereal. And cuz she was on Sinus Watch she couldn't blow her nose at all. She can furinally hace soft foods now, but she got a hole in her sinuses, so she's been havin' a little trouble with everythin'. We'll purray nuffin' like dat happens to your mommy. Big hugs and purrayers all goes well.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...yea...what ewe said plus when yur mom leeves de place her getz an inn voice...when ewe leeved de eeeeeeeeevil vet dentist did ewe getz an inn voice; prob ablee knot.....tell M therz all wayz trout soop and mice creem ☺☺♥♥ happee week oh end two all ♥♥

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Sometimes we might starve to death if we didn't remind Mommy that our food is 15 minutes late. Good help is hard to find, isn't it? We hope M's procedure goes well.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We suspect the upset in your treat schedule may have something to do with teeth. We hope that went well, and treats are back to being delivered on time, Mario.

The Chans

Smudge said...

Hmm, "live off her fat and not have to eat for a year", hmm? Seems I've overheard something similar around here...
Enjoy this warm wonderful weekend!

Marty the Manx said...

OMC how can they forget treats??? Hope your Mom is doing OK after losing her teefies.

Marvelous Marv said...

Hmmm, with all that grousing and opinion offering, if I were your human, I might be more than a little slow in getting the treats out...just saying...
Love Barb
PS I'm just joking, one look at that sweet face and I would be putty in your paws

M Dawson said...

I hope it went OK for your Mum Mario, I HATE DENTISTS!!!!!

But a toofles puss has a head start on us!


meowmeowmans said...

We sure hope you got those treats, Mario. We hate when our humans deviate from SOP!

How did M's dental appointment go? We hope she is healing nicely (and rapidly)!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mario,

You have that problem just forgets our spite of us sitting right there in front of her with our mouths droolin'

Some peeps eh?

Loves Shoko and Kali

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

You had ALL your toofies pulled and your mum is complain' about only TWO? MOUSES!
