Thanks to Ann Adamus for the Graphic |
Hi Pals,
M and I had lots of fun trying to find pictures of the kitties and woofies that came before me. But, alas, back then they really didn't take many. In fact, we could only find 1. So we've had to resort to pictures found on the internet that look like our pets..
Pepper was the first kitty M ever had. She got him when D went over to Korea right after the war. Pepper was a well traveled kitty as M got him from a shelter in Florida while she lived there waiting for D to come back from Korea. Pepper lived to be 19 years of age.
Then along came M's first ever doggie - Fritz, a grey and white miniature schnauzer. Fritz attached himself like glue to M and really became her doggie. She loved that little guy. Then he got Arthritis at age 12 and it reached the point where he could barely walk anymore. Here again we don't have a picture that we had taken, but this looks just like him.
After Fritz cane Tinker Bell, whom M and D got for my human sisfur. Tinker Bell was a sweetie. She used to wrap herself around sisfur's neck at night and sleep there. Sisfur was about 14 at that point so she couldn't get suffocated. The two of them were inseparable.
Tinker Bell Look Alike
The last kitty before me was Misty. M and D answered an ad from a lady who had rescued her from the Humane Society because every time the lady went in their Misty talked to her. That lady wanted to find a good home for Misty. It was instant love by M and D when they met Misty. Another sweetie. Misty's favorite thing to do was visit D's size 13 feet when he sat down in the family room. She loved it when D mauled her with his big feet and she kept coming back for more. We think she was about 13 when she developed kidney problems. After hydrating her a couple of times a week (the peeps learned how to do that at home) for two years, she reached the point where she needed to be hydrated daily. While she was a good girl when getting hydrated, the peeps just couldn't do that to her every day. They knew she would soon get smart to the routine and they would have a difficult time catching her. They decided to let her cross the bridge rather than make her suffer.
Now this picture really is of our Misty. That is the one photograph the peeps have of her. She was another sweetie.
That pals, are all the anipals that came before me in M and D's life since they have been married for 50+ years. Their only regret is that they wished they would have taken more pictures of each one. But they didn't. We feel, however, that the pictures we came up with are pretty accurate as to how they looked at the time we had them.
I have been on Twitter for 10 years and been a blogger for 8 years. During that time (sadly) I have seen lots of pals (including 3 humans) cross the Rainbow Bridge. Lots of tears were shed at the time, but now we try to remember them with some happy memories
Twitter Pals that have crossed the bridge:
Thanks to the human of @JinJinDoggy and @PixelDoggy for keeping the picture current
Blogger Pals That Have Crossed the Bridge
Represents only those that asked Ann Adamus for a memorial picture in 2015 and 2016
Thanks to Ann Adamus for the Blogger pictures |
We will always remember our rainbow bridge pals - forever and ever. We really hope we don't lose anymore pals anytime soon.
I've joined the blog hop hosted by Deb Barnes of Zee and Zoey's Cat Chronicles. Thank you Deb for hosting this important blog hop.