Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Snoopervising Mr. D.

Hi Pals,

What would my peeps do without me!   I have to snoopervise all the work that goes on around this house.   

M ordered a really cute cat toy for me (or so she thought) from an ad she saw on Face Book.   They showed a kitty playing with a butterfly attached to a thin piece of wire, which was attached to a base unit that looks like a daisy flower.   The butterfly is supposed to whirl around and around for me to have fun with.   Yeah - right!

D decided one night, after being nagged - errr encouraged - by M to put it together to tackle the simple - errr complicated - task.   I of course helped cuz he was dangling a very thin wire that was waving all around (He was being very careful that the wire didn't poke into my eye, so no kitties were harmed in this project).   To make a long story short, we (D and I) worked on that piece of junk  - errrr toy -- for over an hour and never did get it.   There were no instructions.   It came all the way from a country called China.   Geeeesh - at least they could have included instructions. 

M wrote to the company she bought it from, and of course has not heard a word from them.    They never even answered her email.  M said she learned a lesson - never again order something seen on Face Book as an ad.   In this case, it was a ripoff, and we are not even sure we got all the parts.

I'm thankful I can share this on thankful thursday on Brian's Home Blog Hop.   Thanks Brian for doing the hop once again.  We are thankful for you and your family!



Marty the Manx said...

Oh bummer :( we have seen this too and though it looked super fun. Sorry it wasn't what it seemed. Great photo of you Mario :)
Marty and the Gang

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is too bad! It would have been a fun toy!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thats too bad about the butterfly toy. We bet it would have been good iffen it had werked.

Summer at said...

That is really a bummer about the toy - it sounds like it was a really cute concept.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

They sell things like that at our local flea markets...and we think we would break it in an at least you can be thankfur that you didn't start to have fun with it and then see it break...
At least your M was thinking about you and your D wanted you to have fun:)

pilch92 said...

That stinks, I am sorry it didn't work out. :(

Brian's Home Blog said...

That really is roo bad Mario. Good thing you are supervising though. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Janeson said...

It certainly is a good thing you're there to snoopervise, Mario! How dare the people in China send your M somthing without instructions?!?!?! Hmmmph!

Loulou said...

I am happy to give lessons in sleeping in weird positions. Mama rents me out every now and then but I'm not sure where you live.
Also she charges quite a bit because she cannot stand to be WITHOUT ME!!!! Like a gazillion euros or dollars per session....
Love from Loulou
LOVE your humor. Those cat toys are so SILLY.

Katie Isabella said...

Mario. That totally stinks! I am so sorry. You mom sure had you in mind for fun and a great toy. Too bad it was a rip off.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Mario was it this one that Cody had on his blog? Here is his video from YouTube. If it is the same one, ours came assembled Here is the YouTube link

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That really is too bad, Mario! So many things these days come from so far away, and with no customer service. We're sure your parents will make it up to you!

The Chans

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....sorree coz a butterfly wooda been lee way better N a burd ona wire like we haz seen.... ♥♥ de food servizz gurl ordered her dad a model fire enginez once frum a website.....came.....with out instructionz... faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

hope ya can find sum kinda way ta play with it; may bee put him ona string ona fishin pole ?? ☺☺♥♥

Ivan from WMD said...

Sorry, Mario! Sometimes some things are too good to be true.

Furries said...

Oh, I'm sorry your new toy was such a disappointment. Maybe you can play with the flower part without the wire.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Awww... What a shame. Bet you were really lookin' forward to playin' with that toy, too.

Mario, have you ever heard of the Cat Dancer and Cat Teaser toys? BEST. TOYS. EVER. Well, other than nip mice, of course, on account of nip mice bein' filled with the nip.

But that wire business with the butterfly toy made me think of the Cat Dancer toy. Peeps have to play with you, with it, but the cardboard on the end of the wire dances just like an insect flittin' about. SUCH FUN! And very low-tech puttin' it together. Actually, all one needs to do is open the package. Even MY peep can do that, and you know how technologically challenged SHE is. MOUSES!

Anonymous said...

I've seen that thing and thought it looked pretty cool BUTTTT it sounds like it might LOOK swell but that's about it! Sorry you got ripped off.....

Hugs, Teddy

pam said...

Thanks for the warning about the toy, we already have plenty that don't work!

Annie Bear said...

Mario, that is a shame. We're sorry about the toy and that your peeps wasted good money (and time) on it. We saw Seville's comment above and agree. Cat Dancer is fun to most kitties and very cheap. Cat Teaser is fun too.

Your peeps are sweet to you to want to get a toy for you that looks fun. That's definitely something to be thankful for!

The Swiss Cats said...

Too bad you couldn't even play with that toy ! Purrs

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Sheeesh you wuzz robbed! I am sorry Mario.