Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Independence Day And Look Who Came To Visit

Hi Pals,

Happy  Independence Day from Katie Isabella and I. It's so exciting to have her here with me on a holiday no less.  We've been having fun snuggling and chasing birdies that fly to the bird feeder.   Of course we can't really get them because there is a window seperating us from the birdies and outside.   Dang! But with two of us going at it, maybe we'll bust right thru the window.

Today is her first full day here, so stay tuned tomorrow or the next day for a peek at what we've been up to.  Oh, don't tell her mom that she snuck out of the house last night and tunnelld her way to my house.

Happy Holiday - stay safe pals, and stay away from the boomer things!


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Guess I Showed Her and Selfie Blog Hop

Hey Pals,

I won this battle - The battle of the bed at nap time!    M lays down on the bed for a half hour a few times a day to rest her back - or so she says.  Anyway she leaves a nice sized impression in the mattress, which makes me want to curl up in the middle of it for a nap.   But she doesn't want me to nap there so the space is available for her when she wants it!   NOT FAIR, I say!

This morning she thought she would fool me so I could not lay down on the bed where she naps.  Well, I showed her!!!   See how she has "stuff' piled around the area she thought I'd nap in!   Well, I found another cozy spot.  he he   So who won this battle?   Me, of course!   She's not smart enough to outsmart this old boy!!!

I'm also displaying my "selfie" picture and linking up with "The Cat On My Head's"  Selfie Blog Hop today.    It's been awhile since I've been able to participate.  Here's my entry for the selfie:

I don't even remember what I was scowling about, but it must have been something big cuz I sure don't look happy.    I probably wanted M's attention and she wanted to finish what she was doing on the puter.  Or I didn't want my picture taken.  She should listen to me and only me - right?

The Kitties Blue over at "The Cat On My Head" always have a fun blog hop, so join in on the fun.   

Until next time,


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Pancreatitis WHAT!!!!


Hi Pals,

Yes, that's me at my favorite place again - the VET's.   Only this time they stuffed me in my carrier and I had to ride for 45 minutes to Appleton to see a different specialist kind of vet.   I was sent there instead of somewhere in our own city because they have an super sensitive ultra sound machine.   

Gasp!  There they shaved my belly and a little up on each side.  Of all the NERVE!

If you look closely to my hind feet, you can see very short black fur. Unfortunately, it doesn't show up very well.   It doesn't really bother me, but I think it bothers M and Dl

They told my peeps that I was an extra good boy and they didn't even have to sedate me at all.   I did flinch slighty tho when they touched the area where the pancreas is located, but I didn't put up a fight or anything.  

The vet put me on a yukky medicine that I'm supposed to take if I'm in pain.   M says it's hard to tell when a kitty is hurting.  But I guess her first clue should be if I start hiding in the closet and it's not raining or thundering.    If they can't catch me to give that med, I have something that can be rubbed on my ear - I don't mind that one.   But apparently it doesn't work quite as well as the other one.   M said she will use the icky med only when she knows for sure I'm hurting.  Otherwise, she'll put it on my ear if she thinks I might be in pain but isn't sure.

There is no cure for what I have, and the vet said I could have flareups (whatever that means.)   So if that happens, we have medicine on hand and can easily get more.

It has not affected my appetite, although I have very discerning taste as to what I like and don't like.   Just keep the good food coming and I'll be happy.

Me and my peeps are very thankful it isn't something worse.   But purrs and prayers now and then would still be appreciated.    We don't want it to get any worse. 

We're joining Brian's Home Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   Hop on board with us and have a little fun.   

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day M

Hi Pals,

Happy Mother's Day to the mom's of my pals.  Each one of you is special.   We furbabies love and appreciate you even tho we don't ever say anything.   The most you will ever get from us in the way of a thank you is a wag of the tail,  looked at with adoring eyes, we'll curl up on your lap for a nap, maybe a kiss if we are so inclined.   

I really appreciate M, but I've never told her so.  It's the little things that I do that tell her - when i give her a kiss (nose bitey), hop in her lap for no reason at all, cuddle up to her at night in bed when i'm cold,    She says I'm the most affectionate kitty she's ever had, tho the other 3 came close.   I think I'm just appreciative that I'm not living on the streets anymore and get 3 square meals a day plus extras. M plays a mean game of Neko Fly with me......Life is good.

How about you pals, do you love and appreiate your mom?  What do you do to show it?

I'm joining A Cat On My Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop - please join us.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Sisfur Saves The Day

Hi Pals:

Remember my blog post of that crappy toy that M and D could not put together that came from China.   Well, Sunday sisfur and SIL came to see us.  While SIL was doing some work on D's puter and a few other things for M, M showed Sisfur the toy they could not assemble and said maybe SIL could take it home and try sometime.  If he could get it to work, they could have it for their two kitties - my cousins.

Sisfur fiddled around with it for just a minute or so and asked M for a AAA battery, which sisfur installed.   PRESTO!  Sisfur got it to work

WHOA - this is pretty cool.  it's whirling around.

Does not taste very good tho.  

M was very impressed and said "I knew it would pay to send you to college."  he he - it's a family joke that M tells her whenever she's smarter than M (which is quite often).

Thanks to sisfur for fixing this for me.  And thanks to SIL for fixing a couple of things for M and for fixing D's computer.

We always love it when they come and the peeps are so thankful for the things they do for them.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Wayward Tail Mystery

Hi Pals,

Yesterday I hopped up here by the sink to ask M for a drink.   She promptly (for a change) ran fresh water in the sink for me.   Then she "caught" me flipping me tail into the water.   I was ever so quick, hoping she would not witness what had happened.  

If you look real close, you can maybe make out that the very tip is a little damp!   he he - I didn't let it stay in the water long enough to really soak it (I'm not that dumb).   M ran and got the camera, but by that time I was through flicking my tail in the water. 

That tail just gets wayward on me now and then and does it's own thing.   Does your's do that?

I'm very thankful that it didn't get too wet, so I'm joining Brian's Tankful Thursday Blog Hop once again.   Hop on board with us and have some fun.

Our big thanks to Brian for hosting the hop once again.   Last week M messed up on the link stuff.  Hopefully she'll get it right this time.  (Good help is impossible to get these days.)


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What Happened To S.O.P.?

Hi Pals,

It's SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that I'm allowed my two treats after supper.   Well, it's after supper and I want them now!!!!    I can't wait forever either cuz this sun is shinning right in my eyes.  Staff is certainly falling down on their job lately!  If I remember right, staff forgot to give them to me last night too.

Speaking of staff, M is running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (some old dumb saying that her mother used to say).   Why is she doing that - well it seems she is getting two toothies pulled early Thursday (tomorrow) morning.   Big baby, is very nervous about it and moaning something about what am I going to eat.  ha ha - as if she needed to eat anything.   She could live off of her fat for a year and not have to eat.   I had all my toothies pulled and didn't carry on like she is!!!  Humans!   

Hope you have your staff whipped into shape and they jump when you command something.   We cats rule - remember?

I'm joining Brian's Home Blog Hop.  We are grateful Brian has kept the blog hop up and running.   Hop on over and see Brian and his sisfurs - oh and new brovver!

Until next time,


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Snoopervising Mr. D.

Hi Pals,

What would my peeps do without me!   I have to snoopervise all the work that goes on around this house.   

M ordered a really cute cat toy for me (or so she thought) from an ad she saw on Face Book.   They showed a kitty playing with a butterfly attached to a thin piece of wire, which was attached to a base unit that looks like a daisy flower.   The butterfly is supposed to whirl around and around for me to have fun with.   Yeah - right!

D decided one night, after being nagged - errr encouraged - by M to put it together to tackle the simple - errr complicated - task.   I of course helped cuz he was dangling a very thin wire that was waving all around (He was being very careful that the wire didn't poke into my eye, so no kitties were harmed in this project).   To make a long story short, we (D and I) worked on that piece of junk  - errrr toy -- for over an hour and never did get it.   There were no instructions.   It came all the way from a country called China.   Geeeesh - at least they could have included instructions. 

M wrote to the company she bought it from, and of course has not heard a word from them.    They never even answered her email.  M said she learned a lesson - never again order something seen on Face Book as an ad.   In this case, it was a ripoff, and we are not even sure we got all the parts.

I'm thankful I can share this on thankful thursday on Brian's Home Blog Hop.   Thanks Brian for doing the hop once again.  We are thankful for you and your family!


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter / Happy Passover

Happy Easter Or Happy Passover
To All Our Friends

We hope you have a wonderful Easter or Passover.

My day will be spent with my peeps.   They were gone all day Saturday and left me all alone.  Can you believe it?   But all is not lost because today is the real holiday, and I will get even by sitting in a lap all day long.   If they try to get up, I will turn into jello and refuse to budge.   Everyone knows a cat who refuses to move usually wins out - right????

Katiebella2 and I attended the silly hat Easter pawty at #nipclub Thursday  night.  Isn't Katie just gorgeous in her hat?  I think she is the most beautiful ladycat in the whole world!  We had a great time, and I still made it home by my curfew (which is way too early.  M - we have to do something about that - 8:30 is way to early).   Stay tuned on that one pals - I'm determined!

Have a happy Easter or Passover.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Whew! I'm thankful that's over - Thankful Thurrsday Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Well, I got dragged off to the vet place again.   This time it wasn't the ER, it was my regular vet place, which I like a whole lot better. I love their scale and am content to sit here for hours.   In fact, the vet man even gave me the exam  while I was laying here.  He groped me all over, and then told M he didn't feel any problem.

What problem you ask.   Well, M gets excited when I throw up too many times in a short time span - like within  the same day.  In this case she said I threw up 4 times during the night and then again 3 times in the morning.   One time it was a perfect hairball that I had been building up to.  he he - finally came out.   Other than the hairball, the other times I presented her with soggy, wet kibble.  Then she dashes me off to the vet to get a shot to quiet my stomach down, or sometimes D just gives me a pill that goes the same thing, but I am getting smart on the pill thing and run for under the bed when I think he's coming with one!

Vet man is thinking I'm allergic to over-the-counter cat food, and he recommends a prescription diet that I get to start tomorrow.   He thinks I have been going through this same thing for a long time - like maybe 4 years now.   So we'll try the new food.  Actually the ER vet said the same thing, only he wanted me on a high protein diet, which I didn't like.   So stay tuned and keep your paws crossed that I like the food (I have a habit of not liking a lot of food that M tries to get me to eat!  Well, gee, a guy can be a little discerning can't he?)

I'm very thankful I'm home now and happy once again.   So we're joining Brian's Home Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   Hop along with us.


Sunday, April 9, 2017

I'm Tooting My Horn for a Happy Birthday to Marg

I'm tooting my horn in honor of Marg of Marg's Animals.   Come on over everyone and let's celebrate her birthday.   We need to get this pawty going for this very special lady.   M will be here shortly with the Birthday Cake, Drinks, and snacks.   There will be plenty of food and drinks for all.  And we have this picnic area all to ourselves.

We all love you Marg and appreciate all the special things you do for anipals.  You are one amazing lady,   M and I are so happy we know you and really wish we could meet you in person.   M says you and she really have to get those dancing shoes on before long.  Who knows what lies ahead.


Friday, March 17, 2017

O'Mario's Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy  St. Patrick's Day Pals:

Today is the day we all get to be Irish, even if we aren't!   There is something special about St. Paddy's day.   Is it because soon after it is celebrated, Spring usually shows it pretty head.   Or is it because the Irish really know how to celebrate!  Whatever it is, it's usually festive and fun.  So, just call me O'Mario and have a good time.

Oh, I'll be tending bar at @BorisTheKitty's  SciFI pawty on Saturday at 4:00  EST.   Come on over. That pawty is always a good time.

Thisi s O'Mario signing off for today.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone.

Oh yes, and a shamrock for all the lovely ladies.  I just picked them myself.   One for each ladycat delivered with a Mario Smooch.


Friday, March 10, 2017

CarturdayArt with Athena and Bug Update

Cutout Technique in Photoshop Elements 10

Dark Strokes Technique in Photoshop  Elements 10


Original Photograph
Hi Pals,

Well, which art work do you prefer - the bottom one, which is the original photo or the top photo, which was doctored up in Photoshop Elements 10, or the middle one, again doctored up in Photoshop Elements 10.   We could have gone on and used about 20 other options in Photoshop, but decided this was enough to give us an idea on how the same photo would look doctored up by two different means.  It's kinda fun playing around with this stuff, if one only has the time (says M).

Now for the up date on my swatting skills.   I'm embarrassed to say that I still haven't caught the bug, but I might have scared him off because no one has seen him now for about 4 days and all signs warning visitors of the "bug" have now been removed.    He was a nasty bug, and I'm happy M & D didn't have to be stung by him.  Apparently I at least chased him out of the apartment.

I'm joining Athena CatGoddesses Caturday Blog Hop.   Go over to Athena's blog and hop around to see lots of beautiful pieces of art work.   Athena has a stunning piece this week - go check it out.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

There Is A Bug Going Around and Selfie Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Swat!  Swat!   Geese, I missed again.   I have to practice my swatting skills because M says this building has a huge influenza bug going around.   I haven't seen any huge bugs, but I'm trying to practice on little things.  I've never seen an influenza bug, so I'm not even sure what they even look like.   So far I've been missing everything I've swatted at, but it's hard to practice when you can't swat at the real thing.

M says they don't have it - yet - and M says they are taking every precaution not to get it.   So stay tuned on that one.  If they do get it, I'm going to try my best to kill that bug.  I used to be quite good at killing bugs, but I'm out of practice since living here.  We haven't had any bugs since we moved in.  Swat   Swat   Swat  missed again!

It's Sunday selfie time again, so we're joining The Cat On My Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Shhh, Don't Tell M!

Hi Pals,

Shh, don't tell M that I'm napping on her heating pad!   She does not have it turned on anyway, but she does not think I should nap on it for some reason.    I thought it was crazy of her to even post the picture, but she said everyone would love to see my footies!   Gesssh, there are just cats' feet - nothing to get excited about.  

I'm joining Brian's Home for his Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   I'm very thankful for M's heating pad, especially when she has just turned it off and it is still warm.   Ahhhhh!   I'm also thankful for Brian, who manages the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop these days. He and his family really ROCK - they are always doing something special for a kitty somewhere.  I'm also very thankful for all my blogging friends, twitter friends, and face book friends.  I am one very fortunate kitty cat!

My peeps are not very happy today.  We finally got rid of all the snow we had cuz my human sisfur and SIL were here on Sunday and SIL cleaned up the parking lot around our car.   The rest of it melted this past week.   Then came Tuesday night into Wednesday when we got a combination of freezing drizzle topped off with about 5 inches of snow again.    M said it can't melt fast enough to suit her.   D is supposed to have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning.   M is hoping they have our car shoveled out by that point so he can still go.   Always something M says.

Hope all is "right" with your  world.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Caturday Artwork Blog Hop With Athena

Tattoo art in LunaPic

Hi Pals,

I cheated a little this week on the artwork for Athena's Caturday  Art Blog Hop.   We just came back from visiting over there and loved her tattoo sketch that she did on LunaPic.   So we went over there too and you see what we came up with.   Pretty cool - right? Athena's turned out great and we're pleased with mine too.   I think I could have chosen a better frame, but next time we'll pay more attention to that detail.

I was going to submit this same picture, which we worked on in Photoshop Elements 10 which is on our computer.
That's not bad either, but we like the Tattoo version better because it has color and brings out the details better I think.

Thanks for visiting.  Now hop on the blog hop and wee all the great art work.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

New Kit On The Block

Hi Pals,

Everyone please give a warm welcome to our new kit on the blogging block - Teddy K of TwoSpoiledCats. Isn't he just the cutest?   M is going ape on me here beccause she just loves orange furbabies and that is what Teddy is.   Anyway welcome to the Cat Blogosphere!    I'm your uncle Mario!  

I'm so happy that Angel Sammy sent you to live over at TwoSpoiledCat'sHouse because they miss Sammy so very much after he crossed that Rainbow Bridge.     You will help ease their pain by doing cute things to make them laugh.   In fact, I would make that your top priority job every day.  Now listen to your Uncle Mairo pal cuz that is a very important job -- make therm laugh every day as often as you can.

In case you don't have any ideas yet on what to do, here's just a couple  that always worked for me:

1.   Lay on the floor as if to go to sleep.   Then bounce up as fast as you can and run around the room as fast as your little legs can carry you.   You might throw a couple of hops in there too while running around.

2.  Another thing that is good is doing summersaults while running around the room.   The humans will go nuts over that one.

That gives you a couple of ideas to get started on.  I'm sure our other pals will give you advice too.   We're just happy you are here.

I'm joining two blog hops today.   One is the welcome for Teddy over at Maddi and Dpry's Blog Hop and the other is TheCatOnMyHead's Selfie Sunday

Hop on board and have some fun with us.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Happy 9th Blogoversary - Thankful Thursday

No kitties were harmed in the taking of this photo.  Handles
were cut apart once photo session was over!

Hi Pals,

Happy Blogoversary to meeeee!    I'm in my 9th year.  When we started M never thought we'd come up with enough material to last this long, but I fooled her!!

My blog was created 10/22/09, but I didn't write a post to publish ontil 12/20/09 cuz neither M nor I felt it was a good blog.   It was very intimidating those first few blogs becuase there are so many more experienced writers out there that have great blogs.   But we persisted with the help and encouragement of so many blogging pals.

I'm forever thankful to each and every one of you who have helped us out with something through the years.   All we ever have to do is ask for HELP, and someone knows the answer. 

As I said in my last blog, we are forever thankful for all our blogging and Twitter friends.   We've met some wonderful people in the 9 years in the blogging world and 12 years in the Twitter world.

I'm joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop again this week, and we're always thankful for Brian for keeping this hop going.

Oh yes, I'm feeling better.   M tried calling my vet today to see what she recommends for food, as the ER vet suggested something in a high protein (such as Kangaroo).   However, M said she's not going to give me Kangaroo food because our good friend Michele of PepiSmartDog's blog rescues so many Roos right in her own backyard on the golf course in Australia.   So, maybe we'll try duck and/or rabbit instead.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Oh Noooo, Not Again!

Hi Pals,

I got dragged off to the vet place again - the ER Vet place this time.   M was all worried because I had been throwing up so much again, and she couldn't get it to stop.   I was also acting like I just didn't feel good; no spirt in me, just laying around sleeping too much -  all those things we cats do that is normal!

My own vet is closed on Sundays, but they have an ER Vet really close to our apartment (darn it all!)   Tomorrow we're supposed to get freezing rain and snow, and M was getting all nervous that she couldn't get me to the vet to get me checked over.  Calm down lady, I've been trying to tell you that my tummy is a little upset - that's all!!   These humans just don't listen.

Anyway, the Vet doctor told her the same thing basically.  If I don't get better, they will probably send me to Appleton (where sisfur and SIL live) to get an ultra sound done of the tummy.   But he said he's not too worried about that now.   He's thinking my problem might be more food related.     So he's going to talk to my vet and have her recommend a high protein diet to see if that helps.   I guess there will be no more Fancy Feast for me!!!!   My tummy already doesn't like chicken, and I don't like the taste of beef, and now I may have a intolerance for fishy foods.  Yikes - what's left?  Stay tuned!   

In the meantime, I'm available for invitations for dinner at your house cuz there is nothing good at mine!

Until next time,


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Thankful Thursday - I Won A Prize - Catmas Eve Pawty 2916 - Sort Of!

Hi Pals,

I smell NIP!  Yup - it's nip alright - I just know there is nip in here.

Oh Yummm, let me at it.  NIP!  What kitty doesn't like nip.  But  what else is it?

WOW, I sure do like this nip - it's fresh too.  Really cool cuz M says it's a catnip quilt.  

Big Thank you to my Angel pal @Smokey8 on Twitter for donating the prize.,  And Thank you to another good pal (@Skye613) for winning it and passing it on to me.   I JUST LOVE IT!  @Skye613 is a woofie, and I guess woofies don't like catnip!  he he - lucky for me anyway.

zzzzzzz   This bed is so comfy.  M put the Catnip Quilt on top of the Peggy Blankey so it's all extra cushy and feels like you are sleeping on a cloud.   Thank you Smokey8 for donating the prize and thank you @Skye613 for giving your prize to me.   Love you both.

I am so very thankful for all my blogger pals and Twitter pals.  You are all the bestest!   

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Holidays Are Exhausting

Hi Pals,

Whew!  Holidays sure are exhausting!    I'm all worn out and just want to lay on my perch in the sunpuddles forever!  

We do have a  mystery to solve however.    Take a look at my perch and belly.  Both look like they are dirty - really dirty!   My belly is snow white not dirty..

M was horrified that I wanted to post the picture, but that's how i'm feeling today.    I promise my belly and perch are not dirty at all.   Is it a play on light with the camera or what?   M always hates taking pictgures into a window.   But this is one of my favorite spots because it's the only spot where the sun comes in thru the window.    I love my cat tree too, but that is not in a sunny window except late in the day in the summer.  So what exactly is going on?  It's a mystery!  I'm not giving up my favorite spot because I look dirty!  (There M, I have put my paw down.)
